无轨出矿设备的装运机(C—12G型和C—30型)和各种型号的铲运机(柴油和电动),是坑内矿山掘进和出矿的主要设备.其中装运机在六十年代中期,就在我国部份坑内矿山使用,至今仍有许多矿山在继续使用.铲运机从1975年首先在寿王坟铜矿使 用以来,至今已在有色、黑色、黄金和铀矿等20多个矿山在掘进和出矿中使用.据统计,到目前为止,除了引进五个国家八种型号234台铲运机外,还有各种型号的国产铲运机,总数已达250多台见表1.
The trolley (C-12G and C-30) and the various scrapers (diesel and electric) are the main equipment for tunnel excavation and ore extraction in the pit, In mid-term, it was used in some pit mines in our country and there are still many mines still in use. Since the first use of the scraper at the Shouwangfen Copper Mine in 1975, it has been used for more than 20 times in non-ferrous, black, gold and uranium mines According to statistics, so far, in addition to the introduction of eight types of 234 scrapers in eight countries in five countries, there are various types of scrapers made in China, for a total of more than 250 Taiwanese Table 1.