提起陈党义,在当地人民群众和驻军官兵中,他的为官口碑最好。8月底,记者到平顶山市石龙区采访了这位被河南省委、省政府、省军区授称的“党管武装好书记”。 军令:在这里无界限 来到石龙区,国防后备力量建设展现出令人欣喜的好形势:地方财政足额划拨训练统筹费,兵役机关软硬件建设完善配套,民兵、预备役人员参训齐额满员,各级政府和
Mentioning Chen Dayi, among the local people and garrison officers, his reputation as the best official. By the end of August, the reporter interviewed in Shilong District, Pingdingshan City, where the party secretary of Henan Province, the provincial government and the provincial military unit authorized him. Military Order: There was no boundary here to Shilong District. The construction of national defense reserve power showed a gratifying good situation: the local finance allocated sufficient training and coordination expenses, the software and hardware construction of the military service organs improved, and the number of militia and reserve personnel participated in the training. Full, all levels of government and