
来源 :地质科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jekiyi
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—九八二年十二月十二日至十五日,在地质矿产部物化探局主持下,于四川省成都市对我院物探系承担的部属重点科研项目《金属矿电法勘探电算技术研究》的阶段研究成果《电测深资料的一种快速电算解释方法》等进行了评审。该课题研究以确定基岩深度为主要目的的电测深快速电算解释方法和程序。解释的基本方案是平均电阻率法。在研究中发现和利用了G型曲线的新性质,提出了新的解释方法,将传统的平均电阻率法的应用范围扩大到尾段 - From December 12 to January 15, 1982, under the auspices of the Bureau of Geochemical and Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, the key scientific research project undertaken by the Geophysical Department of the Institute of Geophysics and Geophysics in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Technical research “phase of the research results” a sound electrical sounding data interpretation of a rapid method "were reviewed. The subject of this paper is to study the method and procedure of fast electrical calculation of electrical sounding with the main purpose of determining the depth of bedrock. The basic solution to explain is the average resistivity method. In the study, we discovered and utilized the new properties of the G-curve, and proposed a new interpretation method, extending the scope of the traditional average resistivity method to the tail section
广西地震,公元1477年前很少有记载,公元1478年开始,才有较多的记载。据统计,至公元1982年,共发生Ms≥3级地震355次,其中4~4 3/4级45次,5~5 3/4级21次,6~6 3/4级2次。震中分散,疏
<正> 云南的地质景观早已为中外地质学者所瞩目,丰富的矿产资源在国内享有盛誉。云南真有其得天独厚之处。按板块构造观点,它处在三大板块作用影响地区;按一般成矿带的划分,
In this paper, we discuss a class of piecewise linear hyperbolic maps on the 2-torus. These maps arise in the second-order digital filter with two’s complement