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为了加强新形势下军队建设和国防后备力量建设,党中央、国务院和中央军委作出了加强人武部建设的重要决策。要办好这件人事,切实加强人武部建设,关键是要调整配备安置好人武干部。人武干部的调整配备工作牵涉面广,政策性强。在调整配备过程中,要从人武干部的实际情况和军队建设的总体要求出发,体现党中央、中央军委对广大人武干部的关心和厚爱;要考虑到人武部的长远建设和保持工作的连续性,做到“合理调配,保留骨干,妥善安置,各得其所”。把人武干部调整配备好,总体上要执行《中国人民解放军现役军官条例》的有关规定,切实保证质量。首先,要在政治上严格把关,确保政治合格。新选配的人武干部,要按照军队干部的标准来衡量,必须听党的话,政治上清醒坚定,热爱党的武装工作,有很强的组织纪律性。其次,人武部作为一级军事指挥机关,担负着日益繁重的军事任务,这就决定了人武部的干部必须具备一定的军事素质。因此,要尽量多保留一些德才优秀、文化程度较 In order to strengthen military construction and national defense reserve building in the new situation, the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission have made important decisions on strengthening the construction of the armed forces department. To run this personnel well and effectively strengthen the construction of the People’s Armed Police Department, the key is to readjust the cadres who are well equipped to place people and units. The adjustment of the armed forces cadres involves a wide range of work, policy-oriented. In adjusting and equipping the process, we must proceed from the actual situation of people and armed cadres and the general requirements for army building and embody the care and love of the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission for the vast number of people and armed cadres. We must take into consideration the long-term construction and maintenance of the armed forces department Continuity, so that “reasonable deployment, retain the backbone, proper placement, their own place.” We will properly adjust the personnel armed cadres and generally implement the relevant provisions of the “Ordnance Service Officers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,” so as to ensure the quality. First of all, we must strictly check the politics and ensure political passability. The newly elected cadres of the armed forces should measure according to the standards of the army cadres, must listen to the words of the party, be politically clear and firm, love the party’s armed work, and have strong organizational disciplines. Second, as a first-class military command organ, the People’s Armed Forces take on an increasingly heavy military task, which determines that cadres of the People’s Armed Police Department must possess certain military qualities. Therefore, we should try our best to retain some outstanding talents and have a relatively good education level
劲锐人物:赵文鸿,高中畢业于河南省长葛市第三实验高级中学,现就读于南京林业大学。经过一年复读,他的第二次高考比第一次高考提高了182分。  2013年高考成绩出来的时候,我正在大夜场做服务员,然后我接到了一条极其不“友好”的短信:您的高考成绩为386分。我当时懵了,开始找各种理由说服自己这是短信欺诈,但最终我被自己之前的懒散一巴掌打回现实。  好吧,是我自作自受。但是正题来了,我不可能凭着386分
浙江省台州市路桥区人武部根据当前形势和干部职工的思想实际,组织开展“辨是非、驳歪理、树正气”的教育活动,帮助干 According to the current situation and the ideolo
摘 要 本文从一起死刑案件谈起,对我国死刑案件的诉讼周期进行了分析,并提出改革设想,以增加死刑案件的正当性,限制死刑的运用。  关键词 死刑 诉讼周期 程序正义  作者简介:李洪亮,广州市花都区人民检察院。  中图分类号:D925 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2011)11-146-02    一、从“福建南平凶杀案”谈起  2010年3月23日早上7点24分,福建省南平市南平实