
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laotzu123
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Injury to the abdominal aortic artery from blunt trauma is an infrequent event with few cases reported in either the adult or the pediatric literature. Injury to the thoracic aorta after blunt abdominal trauma is more common. It has been estimated that 95%to 99%of all aortic disruptions are in the thoracic region.Injury to the abdominal aorta is rarely seen in association with fractures of the lumbar spine secondary to seat belt use in motor vehicle accidents; there are few cases in the literature of these injuries in pediatric patients. Nevertheless, the overall mortality rate of this injury has been reported to be between 18%and 37%. It is therefore important to be aware of the possible association to allow prompt diagnosis and management of multitraumatized patients because extensive injuries to the abdominal viscera may mask aortic dissection and prognosis is significantly improved with early intervention. Injury to the abdominal aortic artery from blunt trauma is an infrequent event with few cases reported in either the adult or the pediatric literature. Injury to the thoracic aorta after blunt abdominal trauma is more common. It has been estimated that 95% to 99% of all aortic disruptions are in the thoracic region. Injury to the abdominal aorta is rarely seen in association with fractures of the lumbar spine secondary to seat belt use in motor vehicle accidents; there are few cases in the literature of these injuries in pediatric patients. , the overall mortality rate of this injury has been reported to be between 18% and 37%. It is therefore important to be aware of the possible association to allow prompt diagnosis and management of multitraumatized patients due extensive injuries to the abdominal viscera may mask aortic dissection and prognosis is significantly improved with early intervention.
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