在宫腔镜下用硬膜外导管进行输卵管注药时,常因操作孔有较多的液体返流,导致膨宫效果差,而且会引起操作人员衣物潮湿。我科在临床实践中用一次性注射器自制成一活塞置于操作孔处,避免液体外漏,效果满意。1 临床资料与方法取1副5ml一次性注射器,去掉推管蕊,在距乳嘴2cm处截
Hysteroscope with epidural catheter for tubal injection, often due to the operation of the hole has more liquid reflux, resulting in poor swelling effect, and will cause the operator clothing wet. Our department in the clinical practice with a disposable syringe made of a piston placed in the operating hole, to avoid liquid leakage, the effect is satisfactory. 1 clinical data and methods to take a 5ml disposable syringe, remove the push Rui Rui, at a distance of 2cm away from the nozzle