Decoding Zhuhai

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhait2009
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  Zhuhai is a city born of China’s reform and opening up. Located in the southern coast of south China’s Guangdong Province, it faces Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) across the sea to the east and Macao SAR to the south. In 1980, it was set up as one of the fi rst four special economic zones, becoming one of the windows earliest opening to the outside world.
  One of Zhuhai’s remarkable features is its green development. In 1991, it was selected as one of 40 national tourism resorts, being the only city to stand out for its overall landscape. In 2006, it was awarded the title of National Ecological Garden City by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. It is because of its emphasis on the ecology that Zhuhai has earned a reputation as the City of Romance.
  Its advantageous geographical location makes the city an important player in China’s reform and opening up to the rest of the world. With the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Zhuhai has ushered in a new era of development.
  Zhuhai sees the coordination with Macao as its biggest development opportunity. They join hands to promote cooperation in key areas such as infrastructure for better connectivity, as well as for developing emerging industries, according to Zhuhai’s development outline for the Greater Bay Area. Advances have already been made, such as a joint customs clearance that can be done by both customs. Besides, the launch of business incubator Hengqin Innovalley is going to provide impetus for the innovation-driven development of Zhuhai. Furthermore, the two cities will speed up joint infrastructure construction and build a competitive modern industrial system, which will boost diversified industrial development of Macao.
  The outstanding business environment has been Zhuhai’s charisma for external investment. Today, with a convenient transport system, transparent policies, high effi ciency and a comfortable living environment, Zhuhai has won praise from foreign enterprises and entrepreneurs alike.
  Innovation is the main driving force for Zhuhai’s future economic and social development. It has persevered in perfecting its innovation mechanism by making effective regulations. These regulations encourage talent introduction and training, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, intellectual property rights protection and market capital support. All these measures have made Zhuhai a national innovative city and a national model city of intellectual property protection.
  The story of Zhuhai is the epitome of China’s development during the past 70 years. And its future will mirror the country’s coming prosperity.
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