
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hamihami
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在公安队伍建设中,公安先进典型人物宣传报道工作发挥了其他工作不可替代的作用。做好公安先进人物宣传报道工作,有助于形成干事创业的导向、营造激励奋进的警营文化、树立令人尊敬的警察形象、建立鱼水情深的警民关系;做好公安先进典型人物宣传报道工作,应处理好主动与被动、真实与艺术、个人与集体、对内与对外的关系;重视宣传工作,捕捉宣传亮点,创新宣传手法,善待宣传对象,做强宣传队伍。 In the construction of public security forces, the work of propaganda and reporting on the typical public figures of the advanced public security has played an irreplaceable role in other work. Do a good job in propaganda and reporting of advanced figures in public security to help guide the formation of officers and workers, create a police culture that inspires and forges ahead, establish a respected police image and establish a deep relationship between police and civilians; Work, should take the initiative and the passive, the real and the arts, individuals and groups, internal and external relations; attention to publicity, to capture the highlights of propaganda, innovative propaganda practices, treat publicity objects, and stronger propaganda team.
如果你是笨鸟,你该怎么飞?妈妈常跟你说:“读书并非易事,非下苦功不可!”但如果你掌握读书的要领,讲求效率,你就能事半功倍,轻松地获取高分。 If you are a stupid bird, ho
现实真如动画片那般完美?小丸子和小玉真的能永远在一起?我们祈祷友谊能地久天长…… Reality is just as perfect as an animation? Chibi Maruko and Jade really can be
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