Improved Approach Based on SVM for License Plate Character Recognition

来源 :北京理工大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kbxbx
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An improved approach based on support vector machine (SVM) called the center distance ratio method is presented for license plate character recognition. First the support vectors are pre-extracted. A minimal set called the margin vector set, which contains all support vectors, is extracted. These margin vectors compose new training data and construct the classifier by using the general SVM optimized. The experimental results show that the improved SVM method does well at correct rate and training speed.
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摘 要: 本文着重论述了教学工作者在日语教学过程中,应该怎样不拘泥于形式,引导启发学生,创建各种教学情境,重视激发学生的兴趣,使教与学很好地结合。作者通过改进教学方法,在不增加学生学习负担的前提下,提高教学效率,用较少的时间使学生掌握更多的日语知识,提高日语水平。  关键词: 日语教学 学习兴趣 激发方法    我国自改革开发以来,与日本经济、文化交流越来越多,应社会发展的需要,很多院校都在创办和