Time Sequence of Himalayan Endogenetic Mineralization on the East Side of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

来源 :地质学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyang2005
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Among the endogenetic deposits in the Sanjiang area and at the west margin of the Yangtze platform, Himalayan deposits are the most important and contribute a large proportion of the resources of superlarge deposits. Among the controlled resources of this region, 84% of copper resources, 67% of Pb-Zn, 31% of Ag, 77% of gold and 24% of tin come from Himalayan deposits on the east side of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Himalayan endogenetic mineralization shows a relatively complete sequence evolution in the Sanjiang area and on the west margin of the Yangtze platform. Mineralization is manifested by gold deposits related to K-rich lamprophyre, REE deposits related to alkalic complexes and Cu-Au-polymetallic deposits related to alkaline porphyry. Six sequences of mineralization evolution since 65 Ma B.P. in the Sanjiang area and on the west side of the Yangtze platform can be recognized. Himalayan endogenetic mineralization on the east side of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau reached its peak before the Oligocene, corresponding to episodes I and II of the intracontinental orogenic cycle. Afterwards, mineralization waned obviously.
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