
来源 :铜仁地委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nemosan
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在执政党条件下,加强党的先进性建设,就是加强党的执政能力建设。为此应采取以下基本策略:必须坚持和实践科学的指导思想,始终用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践;坚持和实践立党为公、执政为民的党性原则,始终保持人民公仆本色;坚持和实践党的纲领和路线,始终为社会主义信念和共产主义理想而奋斗;坚持和实践科学的组织制度和组织路线,不断提高党的执政效率;坚持和实践党的优良作风,不断推进党的作风建设法制化;坚持完善党的领导方式和执政方式,不断体现人民当家作主的本质和依法治国的原则;坚持增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础,不断提高党的影响力、凝聚力和战斗力;坚持提高党的执政能力,不断巩固党的执政地位和执政基础;坚持和实践科学的领导制度、工作制度和生活制度,始终把制度作为治本之策;坚持和实践发展这个执政兴国的第一要务,始终把发展作为全面建设小康社会的根本途径。 Under the conditions of a ruling party, strengthening the building of the party’s advanced nature means strengthening the party’s ability to govern. The following basic tactics should be adopted for this purpose: We must uphold and practice the scientific guiding ideology, always guide the new practice with the developing Marxism, uphold and practice the party’s principle of building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people, and always maintain the true nature of public servants; Uphold and practice the party’s program and line, and always strive for the ideal of socialism and communism. We must uphold and practice the scientific organizational system and organizational line so as to continuously raise the efficiency of the party’s administration. We must uphold and practice the party’s fine style of work and continuously promote the party’s Adhere to the principle of people being the masters of the country and the principle of governing the country according to law; uphold the principle of strengthening the party’s class foundation and expanding the mass base of the party so as to continuously raise the party’s influence, Cohesion and combat effectiveness; persist in improving the party’s ability to govern, continuously consolidate the party’s ruling position and the foundation of its governance; uphold and practice the scientific leadership system, work system and life system, and always regard the system as the ultimate solution; persist and practice the development of the governing and rejuvenating nation As the most important task and always take development as the fundamental way to build an overall well-to-do society.
摘要 黑龙江资源丰富,人杰地灵,具有独特的黑土文化,为水墨人物画的创作提供了肥沃的土壤。黑龙江水墨人物画应从题材中体现本土特征,在造型和笔墨中传递地域文化精神,使作品体现出鲜明的地域性,从而更加富有独特性和现代性。对于黑龙江民族文化的弘扬和中国水墨人物画的创新与发展都将产生深远的影响。  关键词:水墨 人物画 地域文化  随着西方现代艺术思潮的不断涌入,许多人都强调艺术的“国际化”、“全球化”,追
现年29岁的李小姐从外地出差回广州的第二天早上,就发烧了,体温37.8度,嗓子也阵阵作疼。联想到眼下鬼魅般四处流窜的甲型H1N1流感,她第一反应便是,自己不幸“中招”了。 The