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越冬代二化螟灯下成虫代表量和二代稻苞虫花圃成虫发生量的群体动态,均属企态分布,利用前期成虫代表量来预报当代成虫发生总量,不但准确、迅速、经济,而且对下一代幼虫的发生量及危害程度的预报也起着决定作用。具体方法是:越冬代二化螟成 The population dynamics of lamppost adult light and lamppost adult population in the second generation of rice borers are state distribution, the use of the amount of early adult representatives to predict the total amount of adult adults, not only accurate, rapid, economic, But also plays a decisive role in forecasting the occurrence and the degree of harm of the next generation larvae. The specific method is: overwintering Chilo suppressalis into
稀点雪灯蛾Spilosoma urticae(Esper)属鳞翅目,灯蛾科。我省过去很少发生,近年来,为害麦田套播玉米幼苗日趋严重。我们经过三年室内饲养和田间调查,已摸清其生物学特性、发
羊草(Leymus Chinensis)是重要的牧草之一,在我国东北地区及内蒙古自治区栽培面积较大,近年来受羊草粒线虫的侵染,重病地块发病率高达30%以上。受粒线虫侵染的羊草,植株生长
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苹果斑点落叶病是由Alternaria mali Roberts病菌引起的一大病害。可引起早期落叶,使树势衰弱。该病菌侵染果面,造成斑点,影响果品质量。苹果斑点落叶病为气流传播,具有多次
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咖啡天蛾Cephonodes hylas(Linnaeus)为栀子花的重要害虫。在福建一年发生3—4代,以蛹在土壤里越冬。卵单个散产于嫩叶表面,3—6天孵化。幼虫五龄,以取食嫩叶为主,历期19—47
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