
来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guangtoucx
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“为政之道,要在得人。”干部人事制度改革,是政治体制改革和社会主义民主政治建设的重要内容,是建设高素质干部队伍的重要保证。改革开放以来,党中央一直高度重视干部人事制度改革,特别是在十六大之后作出一系列重大部署,各地区各部门各单位积极探索、大胆实践,干部人事制度改革在整体推进中不断深化,初步形成了相互配套、有机衔接、渐趋完备的干部人事制度体系,在建设中国特色社会主义干部人事制度的道路上迈出了新步伐,取得了新成效。干部人事制度改革的这些举措,将在下一步全国省级人大、政府、政协领导班子换届工作中得到成功实践,也更为党的十七大的召开和实现十七大提出的各项任务奠定了坚实的组织基础。 “Reform of the cadre and personnel system is an important part of political system reform and the construction of socialist democracy, and an important guarantee for building a contingent of highly qualified cadres.” Since the reform and opening up, the CPC Central Committee has always attached great importance to the reform of the cadre and personnel system. In particular, it has made a series of major arrangements after the 16th CPC National Congress. Various units and departments in all regions and departments have actively explored and dared to practice boldly. The reform of the cadre and personnel system has been deepening as a whole, The system of cadre and personnel system, which is complemented with each other and is gradually becoming more and more organic, has been initially formed. It has taken a new step on the road of building a cadre and personnel system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and has achieved new results. These measures for the reform of the personnel system of the cadres will be successfully implemented in the next general election work of the leading bodies of the provincial people’s congresses, governments and CPPCC committees throughout the country, and will be laid for the convening of the 17th National Congress of the CPC and the fulfillment of various tasks set forth by the 17th CPC Congress A solid organizational foundation.
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