
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovetheme1988
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中国价格学会农业生产资料价格研究会于1991年10月4日至8日在青岛市召开了全国第四次农业生产资料价格理论讨论会.与会代表重点对农业生产资料综合价、双轨制以及小化肥价格等问题进行了研讨.(一)综合价是当前农业生产资料价格改革上的一个热点,对该问题的讨论主要集中在如下几个方面:1.制定综合价的指导思想,应该是“维护农民利益,稳定市场物价,促进商品流通,振兴农村经济”.与会代表认为,在推广、执行综合价时,只有坚定地树立这一指导思想,才能得到社会各方面支持,才能更好地发挥综合价的作用.2.综合价的作价原则,应该是“取之于农,用之于农,以价补价,保持企业原有差价水平,充分发挥价差的调控功能”. The China Price Association’s Price Research Institute on Agricultural Production Materials held the fourth national seminar on the price of agricultural production materials in Qingdao from October 4th to 8th, 1991. The participants focused on the comprehensive price of agricultural production materials, the dual-track system, and small chemical fertilizers. Prices and other issues were discussed. (1) Comprehensive price is a hot topic in the current price reform of agricultural production materials. Discussions on this issue are mainly focused on the following aspects: 1. The guiding ideology for formulating comprehensive prices should be “ Protecting the interests of farmers, stabilizing market prices, promoting commodity circulation, and revitalizing the rural economy ”. Representatives believe that in promoting and implementing comprehensive prices, only by firmly establishing this guiding ideology can we get support from all sectors of society in order to better Play the role of the comprehensive price. 2. The price principle of comprehensive price should be ”taken from agriculture, used by farmers, price premium, maintain the original level of the company’s spread, fully play the role of the control function of the spread ".
7日人民日报发布新华社北京电,国务院最近决定,自1992年4月1日起提高小麦定购价格,全国平均每50公斤提高6元。 8日经济日报报道,陈锦华在全国房改工作会议上谈房改的三个阶
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海半仙這天晚饭时多喝了两口,有点小醉,就在门口躺椅上打了个瞌睡。醒来后睁开眼,月光像一张鹅黄色的纱帐罩在他身上脸上,酒馆门口的柳树在鹅黄色的月光下起舞,这让他恍惚记起一个遥远的袅娜的身影。  翠屏托着菜盘笑盈盈地过来,说五香牛肉已烤好,众酒客就等着他拍醒木喝酒讲故事了。海半仙说,好,就起身洗脸。  海半仙举起醒木,众酒客抬起脖子端着酒碗等着。海半仙手里的醒木举在半空迟疑,好像那手被人托着落不下。众
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