
来源 :上海水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonwang
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水文、排灌、防汛、工程管理等行业是水利产业重要组成部分,据水利部统计,仅水利工程管理单位,全国就有9000余个,它们都是事业性质,承担着某一方面的社会职能,是保证国民经济正常运转的基础行业,它们的社会效益体现在对社会稳定、有秩序地发展所做出的贡献。按照现代企业制度产权结构的安排分析,水利产业大部分事业单位都具有自然垄断、公共福利的特征,其经济特征决定了它们划属于弱竞争型行业。为探索建立社会主义市场经济水利新体制,加快“五大体系”的建设,本文就水利产业弱竞争型行业不宜转为企业,但又必须强化企业化管理发表以下拙见。 According to the statistics of the Ministry of Water Resources, there are more than 9,000 water conservancy project management units all over the country. All of them are of a business nature and undertake social functions in some aspects. For example, water conservancy, irrigation and drainage, flood control and project management are all important components of the water conservancy industry. Is the basic industry that guarantees the normal operation of the national economy. Their social benefits are reflected in their contribution to the stable and orderly development of the society. According to the analysis of the arrangement of ownership structure of modern enterprise system, most of the institutions in the water conservancy have the characteristics of natural monopoly and public welfare, and their economic characteristics determine that they are classified as weakly competitive industries. In order to explore the establishment of a new system of socialist market economy and water conservancy and speeding up the construction of the “Five Major Systems,” we should not turn to the enterprises with weakly competitive industries in the water conservancy industry, but we must strengthen the management of enterprises and make the following clues.
近年来,随着我国经济的发展和开放度的加大,外资纷纷进入我国零售业, 已成为人们关注的热点问题。本文就外资进入我国零售业的积极作用、存在问题及发展对策作一探讨 In recent
基于电子信息技术专业的发展,就如何培养人才,培养有效的人才,在分析电子信息技术的强大功能与促进社会的先导作用下,提出了人才培养的有效性与成长性。 Based on the devel
引言2 0 0 0年 6月 2 6日 ,三宅岛火山开始活动 ,随即通过GPS连续观测网对其进行了准实时的地形变监测。这是日本国内继北海道有珠山火山喷发后 ,在火山喷发前进行GPS连续观