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我国农村剩余劳动力转移困难 ,最根本的障碍是城市化进程明显滞后。本文分析我国城乡居民收入差距现状 ,指出当前我国农村人口非农化和城镇化进程缓慢 ,农民比重过大 ,导致农业相对劳动生产率过低 ,这是“三农”问题的症结所在。因此 ,从根本上解决现阶段的“三农”问题 ,必须重点解决制约农业和农村发展的体制性矛盾和结构性矛盾 ,改革计划经济体制下形成的城乡分治的各种制度 ,减少农民 ,加速农村城镇化进程 ,发挥城市对农村发展的促进和带动作用。 The most fundamental obstacle to the transfer of rural surplus labor force in our country is that the process of urbanization lags behind obviously. This paper analyzes the status quo of income gap between urban and rural residents in our country and points out that at present the process of non-agriculturalization and urbanization of rural population in our country is slow and the proportion of peasants is too large, resulting in the relative productivity of agriculture being too low. This is the crux of the problem of “agriculture, countryside and farmers”. Therefore, to fundamentally solve the “three rural issues” at the present stage, we must focus on resolving the systemic contradictions and structural contradictions that restrict the development of agriculture and rural areas, reforming the various systems of urban-rural division under the planned economic system, and reducing the peasants, Accelerate the process of urbanization in rural areas, and bring into play the role of cities in promoting and promoting rural development.
把关心人作为基础设施,积极营造温馨家园。 江苏油田多年来坚持把关心员工作为企业以人为本的基础来抓,积极改善工作环境。油田从生产班组的防噪排尘通风设备,一线队站工作
去年全国发生火灾(不含森林、草原等火灾)共计18.86万起,造成3021人死亡,4404人受伤,直接财产损失15.2亿元。【据2001年2月13日《经济日报》】 Last year, there were a to