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一、专家建议的贯彻执行 1954年专家工作会议后,我厂即在工程技术人员、车间正副主任、各科室正副科长中进行了传达,组织了工程技术人员学习和贯彻会议精神。1955年1月份,我厂在建立总工程师责任制的同时,将原材料专家工作组改属厂长直接领导,各车间技术组也指定了一名技术人员兼管此一工作,从组织机构上加强了执行专家建议工作。随后,我们又根据局、公司颁发的专家工作制度,结合我厂过去在贯彻专家建议工作中取得的经验教训,再一次的修订了我厂专家工作制度,并将历年来专家建议工作进行了检查,从新整理编号、分类、印成小册,发给工长以上干部,扭转了过去在执行专家建议上不统一及心中无数的混乱现象,经过了以上工作,我厂绝大多数同志重视了专家工作,特别是厂领导对专家建议的贯彻抓得紧,因而 First, the implementation of expert advice After the expert working conference in 1954, our factory was in engineering and technical personnel, workshop deputy director, deputy section chief of all departments were conveyed, organized engineering and technical personnel to learn and implement the spirit of the meeting. January 1955, I plant in the establishment of a chief engineer responsibility system at the same time, the raw materials expert working group is directly led by the plant director, the workshop technology group also designated a technician to take charge of this work, from the organizational strengthening Executive experts recommend the work. Subsequently, based on the Bureau and the expert working system issued by the company and in combination with the experiences and lessons learned from the factory’s work in implementing expert advice, we once again revised the working system of our factory experts and examined the experts’ suggestions over the years , Reorganized the numbers, classified them into new brochures and distributed them to cadres who are above the superintendent’s work, thus reversing the chaotic phenomena that were not unified and numerous in their minds in the implementation of expert advice. After the above work, the vast majority of our comrades value the experts Work, especially the leadership of the factory to implement the recommendations of experts is tight, and therefore
根据美国铝业协会汽车和卡车委员会主席George Bergeron的资料。美国1981年式的小汽车每辆用铝130磅,约等于车身重量的4%。而1970年式的小汽车,平均每辆车上的铝材仅为车身重
一、煌桔焙境的定接及目的随着谏铜工粱的登展,出现了浮游选抽方法,其、崖品食枷粉肤的如精踱。处理胡精踱的方法,11前有四种: (一)生诩精孩道接在反射煊中处理,彦出低品位冰
摘自《首钢科技》1984,№.1,徐敬箴,李文全的同名文章。 1983年初,国内冶金企业第一条光纤通讯小系统,点对点的数据通讯试验段在首钢建成并开始试运行。光纤通讯是利用激光