外界汹涌的掘金热潮正考验着微信对商业化尺度的拿捏能力,登上或走下神坛,结局也许就在一念之间.几乎所有人都认定微信是第一张真正意义上的移动互联网船票,包括近3亿用户的庞大流量、强关系的社交营销圈子、打通中的移动支付闭环以及隐现的开放平台生态等,几乎处处都是商机.在互联网的红利时代放缓之时,微信的商业化正如旭日初升.但几乎所有人也都在等待:很多微信草根大号因病毒营销而被封杀,大小B2C“,”In just two years,Weixin (WeChat),the mobile communication service of Tencent Holdings has transformed into an open platform.Today,with nearly 300 million users,strong social marketing circles,maturing mobile payment cycle and tempting virtual membership system,it seems that every feature of Weixin can be commercialized,and almost everyone is sure that Weixin is the first meaningful ticket to the mobile ecommerce.However,though some early birds already made constructive attempts on the platform,the results were not satisfying enough.Reasons are complicated:the distinctive rule of mobile shopping,the difference between Weixin and Weibo,the incomplete payment interfaces of Weixin and cumbersome WAP payment interface,etc.All these indicate that the commercializing of Weixin platform is just beginning,and it would be a real challenge for Tencent to determine the scale of such commercialization as well as the future of Weixin.Under such circumstances,all parties on the platform including Weixin marketing parties,B2C merchants and CRM agents choose to wait and see.Tomorrow,Weixin may become a miracle,but today, it is just a half ticket to mobile ecommerce.