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全球化已经成为当前的世界性趋势,而它给世界文化,以及给我们这个社会带来和即将带来的影响,已经直接作用于戏剧,造成我国戏剧生存环境的极大变化。不了解全球化与世界文化趋势,就不能正确认识我国戏剧生存状况发生变化的一个重要原因,那将造成理论的短视。因此,本文拟从全球化趋势引起流行文化泛滥以及对戏剧生存环境造成影响这个角度来探讨一些问题。一、全球化世界的全球化进程应该说早就开始了,它是殖民主义的伴生物。16世纪以后,伴随着西方的航海探险和对于世界的地理大发现(发现美洲、印度等新大陆),西方开始在全球寻找殖民地,掠夺、侵占和征服成为当时的世界主题,那实际上就是第一次全球化浪潮,只不过过去没有这么说。第二次全球化浪潮是西方工业革命所带来的资本跨国流动和在世界范围内争夺市场,导致的直接后果是世界大战的爆发。第三次全球化浪潮从20世纪70年代开始,也就是我们刚刚结束文化大革命,正在谋求国家新的发展道路的时候,西方第三次工业浪潮兴起,这一次工业浪潮所带来的全球化,来势迅猛,扑天盖地,一直发展到今天,其影响范围、涉及面和普及度之深之广之大,都是过去所无法比拟的。我们通常所说的全球化,就是指的这一 Globalization has become the current worldwide trend. The impact it has on the world culture and the impact it will bring to our society has directly taken effect on the drama, causing great changes in the living environment of the theater in our country. If we do not understand the trend of globalization and world culture, we can not correctly understand the important reason why the state of drama in our country changes, which will result in the short sightedness of the theory. Therefore, this article intends to explore some issues from the point of view of the trend of globalization leading to the proliferation of pop culture and the impact on the living environment of drama. First, the process of globalization in a globalized world should be said that it has long begun. It is a companion to colonialism. After the 16th century, with the adventures of the West in sailing and the discovery of the great geography of the world (discovering the New World such as the Americas and India), the West began to seek colonies, plunder, encroachment and conquest on a global scale as the then global theme, and that was actually the first The wave of globalization has only failed to say so. The second wave of globalization is the result of the World War I, the direct consequence of the transnational flows of capital brought about by the Western Industrial Revolution and the scramble for markets around the world. The Third Global Wave Since the 1970s, when we just concluded the Cultural Revolution and were seeking a new path of development for the country, the third wave of industrialization in the West came into being. The globalization brought by this wave of industrialization, The rapid pace of development and the ever-increasing popularity have all along developed to this day. The scope of their influence, the extensiveness of their coverage and popularity, are unmatched by the past. This is what we usually mean by globalization
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