三向出击——记Sybase TechWave 2000大会

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11月14日,“Sybase TechWave 2000”的大中国区用户大会在北京召开,在会上,Sybase 公司向与会者展示了 Sybase企业门户(EP,Enterprise Portal)、移动及无线计算、垂直行业电子商务等多种门类的解决方案。此次用户大会由 Sybase 中、港、台三方联合举办,规模将为历届 Sybase 用户大会之最,会议期间将举办60多场讲座。在大会上,Sybase 软件(中国)有限公司董事总经理冯星君先生向业界透露了今年特别是从6月 Sybase 中国公司全面重组后的发展情况,今年第三季度的业绩与去年同期相比增长了30%。经过重组,Sybase 建立了四大垂直行业(金 On the 14th of November, the “Sybase TechWave 2000” Greater China User Conference was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Sybase demonstrated to the attendees the Sybase Enterprise Portal (EP, Enterprise Portal), mobile and wireless computing, and vertical industry e-commerce. And other kinds of solutions. This user conference is jointly organized by Sybase China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The scale will be the highest among all previous Sybase user conferences. More than 60 lectures will be held during the conference. At the conference, Mr. Feng Xingjun, Managing Director of Sybase Software (China) Co., Ltd., disclosed to the industry that this year, especially after the comprehensive restructuring of Sybase China in June, the performance in the third quarter of this year increased by 30 compared with the same period of last year. %. After restructuring, Sybase established four vertical industries (gold
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