Current Situation and Measures of Industrialization Exploitation of She Minority Medicine Resources

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GaryCong
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The east of Fujian Province is the biggest region where a large number of She minority people live in compact communities in China,and it is rich in ethnic ecological medicine resources. However,due to the effects of location factors and industrial policy,ethnic medicine resources have disadvantages of low utilization rate,low industrialization,and weak capacity to resist risk in the market,so their advantages are difficult to change into industrial and market advantages. In this study,the current situation of industrialization exploitation of She minority medicine resources in Fu’an City was analyzed,and then the measures of industrialization exploitation of ethnic medicine resources were put forward to promote the sustainable development of ethnic medicine resources. The east of Fujian Province is the biggest region where a large number of She minority people live in compact communities in China, and it is rich in ethnic ecological medicine resources. However, due to the effects of location factors and industrial policy, ethnic medicine resources the disadvantages of low utilization rate, low industrialization, and weak capacity to resist risk in the market, so their advantages are difficult to change into industrial and market advantages. In this study, the current situation of industrialization exploitation of She minority medicine resources in Fu ’an City was analyzed, and then the measures of industrialization exploitation of ethnic medicine resources were put forward to promote the sustainable development of ethnic medicine resources.
IgA nephropathy(IgAN)or Berger’s disease isthe most common form of primary glomerulonephritis inmany renal biopsy registries and it is very frequent inthe East
环孢素A(CsA)是一种高效能的免疫抑制剂,广泛应用于肾脏、肝脏等器官移植及其他疾病的治疗.但由于其不良反应多,治疗窗较窄,个体差异较大,因此根据血药浓度监测情况及时调整用药剂量日益受到临床重视.在器官移植术后CsA的剂量调整中,CsA谷值(C0值)是一个常用的指标.但近几年来有不少文献报道服药后2 h的血药浓度(C2值)较C0值与AUC更为相关[1,2].作者通过对6例肾移植术后患者口服环孢素A