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恭贺新禧 原料;莲子200克,红、白萝卜各5O克,淀粉、白糖、青梅、味精、香醋、精盐、麻油各适量。 制法:①红萝卜、白萝卜洗净用温开水冲过,切成细丝,用适量精盐腌1小时,取出挤干水分,拌上味精、香醋、麻油等,放盘上作垫底用。 ②白莲子用温水洗净,加适量水蒸烂,加入淀粉、白糖和切碎的青梅搅拌均匀,再蒸一下,离火冷却成莲茸糕,放在红、白萝卜丝上即成。 Congratulate the new Jubilee ingredients; lotus 200 grams, red and white radish 5O grams, starch, sugar, green plum, monosodium glutamate, balsamic vinegar, salt, sesame oil the right amount. Method: ① carrot, white radish washed rinse with warm boiled water, cut into filaments, with an appropriate amount of salt for 1 hour, squeeze out squeezed dry water, mixed with MSG, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, put the plate for the bottom use. ② white lotus seeds washed with warm water, add appropriate amount of water steaming rotten, add starch, sugar and chopped green plum mix well, and then steamed about from the fire cooled into Lian Rong cake, on the red, white turnip silk Serve.
酣睡,对消除疲劳,健身益寿.但由于种种原因,有很多中老年人却被失眠、多梦搅得身心疲惫、精神恍惚.现介绍几种购、食方便,有益无损的利眠食物, Sleep, to eliminate fatigu
选定品牌应该货比三家 选购空调时应根据实际需要,从品牌、质量、规格、服务、价位等方面综合考虑,跟风、追新没有必要,适合自己最重要。 一些经验较为丰富的消费者,先选中
亲爱的读者,当您合家围坐在电视机前,沉醉在丰富多采的艺术享受中时,您可曾想到——电视与食品的“姻缘”关系? Dear readers, when your family was sitting in front of a
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一个农民的儿子,和锅碗瓢勺打了五、六年的交道,竟成为名厨高手,援外出国了.人们感慨地 A farmer’s son, playing with the pot scoop spoon for five or six years, has
家里的电话机坏了,于是决定到商场再买一部。电器商场里的电话机品牌、型号多得让人眼花缭乱。贵的机子要二千多元,可进行无线 Home phone is broken, so decided to buy a
老半斋酒楼在上海颇有名气.该店的名气,大就大在一个“老”字上.其一:它有“百 Old half vegetarian restaurant quite famous in Shanghai. The reputation of the store,
在外地工作的侄子来看我——看望长辈带点礼品是我们中华民族的一种美德吧.侄子从上海来,礼物中自然少不了大上海的地道货. My nephew working in the field came to see m
西方人很少打孩子。难道他们的孩子就不淘气,不捣乱,不气人吗?不是的。西方父母有一些行之有效的方法来替代“巴掌”。 一个名叫加斯汀的3岁小男孩,正陶醉于他用棍子 Weste
现在是鸡鸭蛋生产的旺季.主妇们要腌制咸鸡蛋和咸鸭蛋了.这里介绍一种简便可 Now is the peak season for the production of chickens and ducks, and the housewives wan