
来源 :环境科学与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaqinghualei
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由于景观美学评价的主观特性,虽经五十多年的探索,各国学者仍未能就景观美学评价的理论达成共识。基于体验模式的评价技术更由于其凸显的主观元素而被多数研究者排除在科学评价体系之外。文章综合应用生态学、心理学、美学、地理信息系统(GIS)等学科的知识,理论研究和实证分析相结合,探究了该评价技术的科学合理性。研究以武汉后官湖地区为个案,采用网格布点法,借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术的支持,运用基于体验模式的评价技术,完成对研究区的景观美学评价。结果显示,研究区内景观美学评分等级的分布与其景观元素类别的分布表现出较好的一致性,这在一定程度上验证了该评价技术的科学合理性。另外,结论分析了该技术环节上存在的主要问题及方法上的优劣。 Due to the subjective characteristics of landscape aesthetics evaluation, scholars of various countries have not reached a consensus on the theory of landscape aesthetics evaluation after more than 50 years of exploration. The evaluation technique based on experiential patterns is excluded by most researchers from the scientific evaluation system because of its subjective elements. In this paper, we combine the knowledge of ecological sciences, psychology, aesthetics and geographic information system (GIS), theoretical research and empirical analysis to explore the scientific rationality of this evaluation technique. Taking the case of Houguanhu in Wuhan as a case study, the method of grid layout was used to evaluate the landscape aesthetics of the study area with the support of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and the evaluation technique based on experience mode. The results show that the distribution of landscape aesthetic grading rank in the study area is in good agreement with the distribution of landscape element categories, which verifies the scientific rationality of the evaluation technology to a certain extent. In addition, the conclusion analyzes the main problems and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.