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我没有真正见过大海,但我喜欢关于大海的一切。小时候,我一直很喜欢蓝色,没有很确切的理由,就只是单纯的喜欢蓝色。也许蓝色本身就很漂亮,其实,最重要的原因,因为大海是蓝色的。经常听说悲伤中的人向着大海呐喊,似乎可以把所有委屈、伤痛全部发泄出来。而大海无疑是最忠实的倾听者,它不会中途打断你,也不会在你需要帮助的时候落井下石,它会随着海风轻轻地安抚你躁动的心, I didn’t really see the sea, but I like everything about the sea. When I was a child, I always liked blue. There was no exact reason. I just liked blue. Perhaps the blue itself is very beautiful, in fact, the most important reason, because the sea is blue. It is often said that people in sorrow shout to the sea and it seems that all the grievances and injuries can be vented. And the sea is undoubtedly the most faithful listener. It will not interrupt you halfway, and it will not fall into the limehole when you need help. It will gently soothe your heart with the sea breeze.
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严厉打击刑事犯罪的斗争开展以来,湖南省的民事审判工作紧密配合当前的形势,对那些可能引起刑事犯罪的民事纠纷和案件,及时组织力量,优先进行审理,收到了好的效果。 Since
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发案 夜降临了,黄石的冬天,北风呼啸,寒气逼人,马家嘴餐馆门前,路广人稀,显得十分宁静。“哎哟!”突然一声凄惨的长叫划破了夜空,人们闻声赶到出事地点,只见一男青年倒在血
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告状 一九八三年六月,浙江省义乌县食品卫生监督机构——县卫生防疫站,对县酿造厂生产的汽水进行监测、检验和卫生质量调查,发现该厂产品质量低劣,细菌大量超标,已倾销市场