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司马迁《史记·秦始皇本纪》载:“三十三年,……略取陆梁地,为桂林、象郡、南海。”文中“陆梁”一词之义,向来说者解释不一。 司马贞《索隐》曰:“南方之人,其性陆梁,故曰陆梁。”张守节《正义》则曰:“岭南之人,多处山陆,其性强梁,故曰陆梁。”此两说乃唐人之见,事实上并非如其所说这样简单。故现今学者多不以为然,谓之曰“义不可通”;“皆牵强附会,有失原义”,并分别提出了如下见解。 戴裔煊说:“越人姓骆氏,古无所谓姓,骆为其族名”,“越人本来称号应为骆”,“‘陆梁’即‘骆’音之长读,秦始皇开拓岭表,置3郡,其地取诸陆梁;换言之,桂林、象、南海3郡,本为骆亦即陆梁之居地”。“骆称之由来,滥觞于骆田,为其始源”。 前几年出版的《古南越国史》一书说:“陆梁”是岭南土著民族语言的译音。“陆”是山麓的“麓”,“因为岭南多山麓,本地民族以此相称是合乎情理的”。“陆”又转而为“雒”,两字音近互通。“梁”有两种解释,一是山坡的“坡”,今广西壮族及粤方言均称山坡的“坡”为“lcη”,与“梁”音近,“陆梁”是“麓坡”的意思。“梁”的另一种解释是“佬”,岭南越人习惯称“佬”,“梁”是“佬”的音译,“陆梁”就是“雒佬”的意思。“‘佬梁”(亦即雒佬)既是岭南越人的自称,也是兼指岭南地 Sima Qian << Shi Ji Qin Shi Huang Ji >> contains: 'Thirty-three years, ... ... slightly to take the land for Guilin, as the county, the South China Sea.' Sima Zhen “cable hidden” reads: “The people of the South, the sexual Luliang, so said Luliang.” Zhang Shou Festival “Justice” then said: “Lingnan people, many mountain land, ”These two sayings are what the Tang people think. They are not as simple as they are. Therefore, scholars nowadays do not agree with each other, saying that “justice can not be achieved”; “all are far-reaching attachments, and there is no original meaning” and put forward the following opinions respectively. Dai Yi-chi said: “The more people surnamed Luo, ancient does not matter surname, Luo is its tribe name”, “the more people should be the title of Luo”, “Luliang” that is, Set 3 County, which take the land Luliang; In other words, Guilin, elephant, South China Sea 3 counties, this is Luoliang that Luliang's place. “ ”Luo said the origin of origin, beginning in Luo Tian, ​​its origin.“ A few years ago, published in the ”History of Ancient South Vietnam,“ a book, said: ”Luliang“ Lingnan indigenous languages ​​is the transliteration. ”Lu“ is the ”foothill“ of the foothills, ”because of the foothills of the south of the Five Ridges, it is reasonable for the local people to be commensurate with each other.“ ”Land“ turn to ”雒“, the two pronunciation close to each other. There are two explanations for ”Liang“. One is the ”slope“ of the hillside. Now both Guangxi Zhuang and Guangdong dialects refer to the ”slope“ of the hillside as ”lcη“ and ”Liang“ the meaning of. Another explanation of ”Liang“ is ”guy“. The more people in Lingnan are used to saying ”guy“, the ”girlfriend“ is the transliteration of ”guy“, and the ”Luliang“ means ”gangster.“ ”“ Lao Liang ”(ie Gelao) is not only the self-proclaimed Lingnan people, but also refers to the Lingnan
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