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脊索瘤(chordoma)是胚胎残余背索衍化而来的先天性肿瘤,较罕见。多见于成年人。肿瘤大部分发生在颅内斜坡部分,主要长于蝶骨枕骨联接部位。向上方及前方发展,多于脚间池、视交叉部形成肿癌,或侵蚀颅骨后向鼻咽腔方向突出。肿瘤呈分叶状结构,有时可见软骨组织,发育虽然缓慢,但由于生长部位的关系,使手术及麻醉增加困难。本文报道我院1例巨大斜坡枕大孔区脊索瘤向鼻咽腔方向突出,经口腔手术切除的麻醉体会。患者女性,22岁,住院号12198,病史2年余,曾先后两次入院要求手术治疗,均因病情复杂未能进行。直至出现饮水发呛、吞咽明显困难、食水均不能进、强迫头位、发音及通气困难、全身情况恶化而第3次入院要求手术治疗。检查患者神清合作,消瘦脱水(体重37kg),张口呼吸不能平卧。口唇及四肢末梢发绀,口腔软腭处为10cm× Chordoma is a congenital neoplasm derived from the left dorsum of the embryo. It is rare. More common in adults. Most of the tumors occur in the intracranial slope, which is mainly longer than the sphenoid occipital bone. Development to the top and the front, more than the pool between the feet, the formation of tumor swollen at the optic chiasm, or erosion of the skull to the nasopharyngeal direction. The tumor has a lobulated structure, and sometimes cartilage can be seen. Although the growth is slow, due to the growth site, it is difficult to increase the operation and anesthesia. In this paper, we report a case in which a chordoma in a large-slanted occipital large hole area in our hospital protrudes toward the nasopharyngeal cavity, and anesthesia is performed after oral surgery. The female patient was 22 years old, and her hospitalization number was 12198. She had a medical history of more than 2 years. She had twice been admitted to the hospital and required surgical treatment. All of these patients were unable to carry out the treatment because of complicated conditions. Until the emergence of drinking water, difficulty in swallowing, no access to water, forced head position, difficulty in pronunciation and ventilation, and worsening of the general condition, the third admission required surgery. Check the patient’s Shen Qing cooperation, weight loss and dehydration (weight 37kg), mouth breathing can not lie. Lips and distal limbs of the extremities, 10 cm ×
蜂蜜不仅可以减肥还有超强的美容效果,它能够通过内服或外用,让MM拥有甜蜜美肌。最关键的是,它有着低廉的价格优势,相信这么平价且高性能的护肤宝贝,大家都不会错过! Honey
甩重60斤可不是一件简单的事情,不过很多MM应该都在眼馋这个数字吧?也想让自己有很好的减肥成绩?那就快来看看我们的读者艾美MM是怎样成功实现的吧。 Dumping 60 pounds is
“香车美人”历来是佳话,可是,细究起来,开“香车”固然心情舒畅,却未必能给“美人”增添更多的靓丽,如果不注意细节,一不留神儿,还可能促使红颜老去……爱车,美丽杀手? Lily
1引言我院胸外科自1979年1月~1987年9月共收治纵隔肿瘤47例,其中35例经手术及病理证实为原发性纵隔肿瘤,现将诊断和治疗进行讨论。 2临床资料 2.1年龄与性别:20~60岁,青年人占