
来源 :汽车与配件 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asiware
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随着汽车工业的迅速发展和对汽车安全性能的要求不断提高,摩擦材料工业也迅速成长,从最初的纺织材料产品发展到固化石棉摩擦材料产品、烧结金属摩擦材料产品。1968年针对车速的提高研制成功新型半金属基摩擦材料;为了适应赛车运动、航空航天及军事工业的发展要求,1979年问世了非石棉非半金属高性能摩擦材料,并避免了石棉加工过程中粉尘对环境的污染。同 With the rapid development of the automotive industry and the increasing demand for automotive safety, the friction material industry has also grown rapidly, from the initial development of textile materials products to solidified asbestos friction material products and sintered metal friction material products. In 1968, a new type of semi-metallic friction material was developed based on the improvement of speed. In order to meet the development requirements of motorsport, aerospace and military industries, non-asbestos non-semimetallic high performance friction materials were introduced in 1979 and the asbestos processing process was avoided Dust on the environment pollution. with
耳科现有检查器械——额镜、电耳镜等都难以观察鼓膜、鼓室的细微结构、病变和异常。为此,我科与 7318厂合作研制成袖珍式(EXW)耳显微镜,集上述器械之优点于一身,经临床应用
全身炎症反应综合征 (SIRS)是机体对各种感染和非感染性严重损伤的全身反应 ,小儿由于机体抗炎症能力低 ,免疫功能差 ,较易引起 SIRS。现将我院儿科病房收治的 1 636例患儿中
1 临床资料 患者女,62岁。因右眼球突出3个月入院,全身体格检杏无异常。眼科检查:视力右眼1.0/0.1,左眼1.5/0.3,右眼向前下方突出,突出度右眼16mm,左眼12mm,眶距92mm。右眼
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患者男 73岁退休干部 1990年10月23日由本院内科以“慢性支气管炎急性感染”住院20天治愈,转我科迫切要求行白内障手术。患慢性支气管炎10年,最近两年并发自发性气胸,曾多次