
来源 :东北水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myzhijun
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一、概述水利水电工程的优化规划设计涉及到自然状态系统与社会系统,对资源合理开发、社会进展、人们的文明进步,从宏观多体到微观多面,都要进行综合性的全面考查。在这个横跨社会、自然系统的工作中,它需用 I. Overview Water conservancy and hydropower project optimization planning and design involves the natural state system and the social system. It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive and comprehensive examination of the rational development of resources, social progress and people’s progress in civilization from the macro to the micro and multifaceted aspects. It needs to be used in this work across social and natural systems
It is generally considered that granitic plutons are forcefully emplaced in a compressional setting and permissively emplaced in an extensional setting. This p
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