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二十世纪八十年代以来,袁庆禄一直活跃在当代中国版画领域内,是当代中国版画届队伍中的领军人物之一。无论是在艺术上的贡献,还是市场上的业绩,都足以证明袁庆禄的艺术成就。特别是在套色木刻版画领域里,凭借自己深厚的艺术理念、精细而严谨的艺术语言以及精湛的艺术技巧,引导着当代中国版画的发展方向。袁庆禄用独特的刀法和构思创作出一大批具有鲜明个人特色的套色木刻版画作品,其作品重视传统,倾情民间;妙趣横生,借景抒情。在题材的选择上,以高原牧女为创作题材,描写女性;在绘画语言的表现上,他凭借着过人的造型能力和深厚的素描功底,表现出了人与自然和谐相处,以一种特有的木刻语言诠释着美;造型上,写实传神,古朴生动,兼备了中国传统绘画的精神和西方写实绘画的造型特征;在作品意境的体现上,他的作品中隐藏着独特的灵魂,每一幅作品都是有感情、有生命的,他会把观者带入到他想要表达的意境中从而产生共鸣。袁庆禄的套色木刻版画影响着当代中国新一代版画艺术家,对当代中国套色木刻版画的发展与演变有着举足轻重的意义。 Since the 1980s, Yuan Qinglu has been active in the field of contemporary Chinese printmaking and is one of the leading figures in the ranks of contemporary Chinese prints. Whether in the artistic contribution, or the market performance, are enough to prove Yuan Qinglu’s artistic achievements. Especially in the field of color printing woodcuts, with its profound artistic concept, fine and rigorous artistic language and superb artistic skills, it guides the development direction of contemporary Chinese prints. Yuan Qing-lu created a large number of hedging woodcut prints with distinctive personal characteristics with his unique knife method and concept. His works focus on tradition and portrait; In the theme of choice, the plateau herdsman as the theme of creation, description of women; in the performance of the painting language, with his superb modeling skills and profound sketch skills, showing the harmony between man and nature, with a Unique woodcut language interpretation of the United States; modeling, vivid, simple and vivid, both the spirit of traditional Chinese painting and Western realistic painting modeling features; in the embodiment of artistic conception, his works are hidden in a unique soul, each A piece of work is both emotional and life-like, and he will resonate by bringing the viewer into the mood he wants to express. Yuan Qinglu’s chromatic woodblock prints affect the contemporary Chinese artists of a new generation of printmaking and have a pivotal significance for the development and evolution of the contemporary Chinese color-matching woodblock prints.