
来源 :法大研究生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoyali_0
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本调查就6931名中学生的法治认知、法治情感及法治意识培养方式进行了比较分析,结果显示,青少年法治认知呈现不均衡性,法治情感变量因素复杂,法治意识形成方式具有单项被动性和生动形象化特点,青少年的法治教育状况、多元社会环境等对于青少年法治意识的形成会产生重大影响。因此,要做好青少年法治意识培养提升的统筹规划,深入推进法治教育纳入国民教育体系,提升执法、司法公信力,加强依法治校与引导管理,积极促进家庭法治教育,营造良好社会环境和舆论氛围,不断改进青少年法治意识培养的内外条件,构建国家、学校、家庭、社会“四位一体”的青少年法治宣教格局,推动法治社会的整体建设。 The survey conducted a comparative analysis of 6931 secondary school students' awareness of the rule of law, the emotion of the rule of law and the way of cultivating the awareness of the rule of law. The results show that the awareness of the rule of law in adolescents is not balanced, the variables of the rule of law emotional variables are complex, Vivid visual characteristics, education of the rule of law and adolescents, and diverse social environment will have a significant impact on the formation of the awareness of law and order among young people. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in promoting the overall planning of the promotion of the awareness of law and order in the community, deepening the integration of the rule of law education into the national education system, enhancing the credibility of law enforcement and judiciary, strengthening the administration of the school according to law and guiding management, and actively promoting the rule of law education in the family, creating a favorable social environment and public opinion atmosphere , And constantly improve the internal and external conditions for raising awareness of young people's awareness of the rule of law so as to establish a structure of education for the young people ruled by the state, schools, families and the society as a whole and promote the overall construction of a society ruled by law.
巍巍天山逶迤到中国最西部,依然是波澜跌宕,群峰争雄。在这亘古高原的吐尔尕特山道上,络绎不绝的卡车队,延续着古丝绸之路南道上商族遗下的驼铃。 这里,就是我国与中亚吉尔
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