
来源 :仪器仪表与分析监测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sherry77677
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半导体集成技术的飞速发展、大量生产微处理器使其价格降低。结果从70年代后半期,小型、轻量、廉价、高可靠性传感器的需求大增,它们可以把外来信息变换为电信号输入给微型计算机。湿度传感器的开发也作为其中的一环,在过去温度控制基础上,希望在很多产业、居住、保存等领域进行稳定的湿度控制。使用陶瓷、高分子膜等新材料的湿度传感器的研究开发特别活跃,经过十余年,现在开始制造、销售湿度传感器和湿度计量器。控制机器的企业,仅日本就超过30家。市场上正在销售的湿度传感器种类很多,目前根据环境水蒸汽量改变电阻或电容的二端阻抗元件成为主流。使用的感湿材料涉及电解质、陶瓷和有机高分子膜等宽范围,检测精度大都保证±3%到±50%RH。其特点为结构简单、超小型化、集成化。下面以这种传感器为中心介绍最近的湿 The rapid development of semiconductor integrated technology, mass production of microprocessors to reduce its price. As a result, since the latter half of the 1970s, the demand for small, lightweight, inexpensive and highly reliable sensors has greatly increased, and they can transform external information into electrical signals for input to microcomputers. Humidity sensor development is also a part of it. Based on the past temperature control, it is hoped that stable humidity control will be implemented in many industries, residential areas and preservation areas. The research and development of humidity sensors using new materials such as ceramics and polymer films have been particularly active. After more than ten years, they have now started to manufacture and market humidity sensors and moisture meters. Enterprises that control machines have more than 30 in Japan alone. There are many types of humidity sensors currently on the market. Currently, two-terminal impedance components that change resistance or capacitance depending on the amount of ambient water vapor have become mainstream. Sensitive wet materials used in a wide range of electrolytes, ceramics and organic polymer films, most of the detection accuracy to ensure ± 3% to ± 50% RH. Its characteristics are simple structure, ultra-miniaturization and integration. The following is the center of this sensor to introduce the recent wet
The code tracking loop is a key component for user po-sitioning. The pseudorange information of BeiDou B1 signals has been fused and changed for vector tracking
借这次会议的机会 ,就垦区农机更新推行保护性耕作、推进农业规模经营、实现农业可持续发展问题讲几点意见 ,有些问题提出来 ,同大家一起探讨。1 什么是保护性耕作保护性耕