
来源 :乾陵文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiwenta
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大唐立国,国力强盛,威名远播。当时的“外国人”慕义向化,加上唐王朝采取了开放的外交政策,对各外来民族的人民施行一定的优惠保护,很快唐代便出现了一个特殊的群体——胡人。整个唐朝上下都沉浸在一片胡风当中。在唐代,“胡人”泛指唐王朝管辖区域内的各族少数民族人民,也包括周边各国的人民。胡俑就是以这些胡人为原形,捏塑而成的随葬品。胡俑在唐墓中出土频繁,据相关考古资料显示,胡俑在太宗贞观年间出土较少,而从高宗显庆年间以后逐渐增多,至盛唐时期达到高峰,安史之乱后减少,至唐后期消失。从这也可以看出,作为胡俑原形的胡人在唐代的发展脉络:贞观年间,由于战争还在继续,涌入唐王朝的大部分胡人是 Datang legislation, strong national strength, long-name reputation. At that time, the “foreigner” and “morals” of the Tang Dynasty, plus the Tang Dynasty adopted an open foreign policy, the foreign nationals of the people to impose some preferential protection, and soon appeared in the Tang Dynasty a special group - Hu people. The entire Tang Dynasty are immersed in a Hu wind up and down. In the Tang Dynasty, “barbarians” broadly referred to the people of all nationalities within the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the peoples in neighboring countries. Terracotta Warriors and Horses is based on these prototypes, molded from the funerary objects. According to the relevant archaeological data, the figurines of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses were unearthed in the Taizongzhen period, but gradually increased from the period of Emperor Xianzong in Qing Dynasty to the peak in the Tang Dynasty, reduced after the Anhwei chaos, and disappeared in the late Tang Dynasty. It can also be seen from this that the development of the barbarians who were the prototype of the figurines of the Tang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: During the Zhenguan period, most of the barbarians who poured into the Tang Dynasty were
水是会说话的。听听水的声音,就可以判断水的状况。   把满满一瓶子水倒出来。听,水在噗噗作响。用墨水瓶、啤酒瓶、暖水瓶做这个实验,它们发出的声音是不同的。   这是因为水流出来的时候,空气要从瓶口挤进去,那一个个气泡钻出水面时会因压强变小而迅速膨胀,发生冲击,水就这样“说话”了。   把水壶坐在火炉上,当水壶发出叫声的时候,水并没有开。等到水真正沸腾的时候,叫声又不是那样响了。   “响水
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