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《世界各国地下水开发及国际合作指南》一书由籍传茂、侯景岩、王兆馨三人合著,预计1996年一季度末由地震出版社出版.全书共分两大部分,25万字.第一部分“世界各国地下水开发”,包括30个国家地下水研究与开发的状况和经验,占全书2/3篇幅.重点是地下水开发规模大且经验多的国家、在地下水研究和开发某些方面有特色的国家、中国水文地质学家工作过的国家.本篇内有美国、印度、中国、巴基斯坦、欧共体、独联体、日本、澳大利亚、埃及、尼日利亚等国家和地区地下水开发历史和现状,以及为支持地下水开发而进行的地下水勘察、评价、管理等方面的经验.所涉及国家的面积占全球陆地总面积的40%,人口占世界总人口的70%,地下水开采量占全球地下水开采量的90%,基本上反映了当前全球地下水开发的现状、主要经验和今后趋势. The book “Guidelines for Groundwater Development and International Cooperation among Countries in the World”, co-authored by Ji Chuan-mao, Hou Jing-yan and Wang Zhaoxin, is expected to be published by Earthquake Press at the end of the first quarter of 1996. The book is divided into two parts: 250,000 words.The first part is “ Groundwater development in all countries in the world ”, covering the state and experience of groundwater research and development in 30 countries, accounting for 2/3 pages of the book, with a focus on countries with large and experienced groundwater exploitation, countries with some aspects of groundwater research and development , A country where Chinese hydrogeologists have worked, and this chapter contains the history and current status of groundwater development in the United States, India, China, Pakistan, the European Community, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Japan, Australia, Egypt, Nigeria and other countries and regions, Support groundwater exploration, evaluation and management of groundwater etc. The countries involved account for 40% of the total land area of ​​the world, with 70% of the world’s total population and groundwater exploitation accounting for 90% of the global groundwater exploitation % Basically reflects the current status of global groundwater development, major experiences and future trends.
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