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利用组织学切片及阿利新蓝-过碘酸雪夫(AB-PAS)组化染色技术对0~50日龄大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)消化道各段黏液细胞的发育与分布进行显微观察和研究。大鳞副泥鳅黏液细胞分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ4种类型。消化道黏液细胞最早出现在4日龄仔鱼的口咽腔和食道。10~15日龄口咽腔和食道黏液细胞数量快速增长,15~20日龄肠道各型黏液细胞数量显著增长,20日龄后消化道黏液细胞分布广泛。随着仔稚鱼发育,消化道各部黏液细胞主要以Ⅲ和Ⅳ型细胞为主。根据大鳞副泥鳅仔稚鱼消化道黏液细胞的发育特点,5~10日龄和15~20日龄为其消化道功能发育的两个敏感时期,20日龄后消化道功能逐渐发育完善。建议加强对5~20日龄仔稚鱼的日常饲养管理以提高苗种成活率。 The development and distribution of mucous cells in the digestive tract of Paramisgurnus dabryanus from 0 to 50 days old were observed microscopically by histological sections and AB-PAS staining. And research. Paramisgirotus molluscum mucus cells are divided into Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ types. Gastrointestinal mucosal cells first appeared in the 4-day-old larvae and esophagus larvae. The number of mucous cells in the oropharynx and esophagus increased rapidly from 10 to 15 days, and the number of mucous cells in each type of intestine increased significantly from 15 to 20 days. Mucosal cells were widely distributed in the digestive tract after 20 days. With the development of larvae, mucosal cells in the digestive tract are mainly composed of type III and type IV cells. According to the development of mucous cells of digestive tract mucus of Paramisgurnus dabryanus, 5 to 10 days old and 15 to 20 days old were two sensitive periods of development of digestive tract function. After 20 days, digestive tract function gradually developed and perfected. Proposed to strengthen the 5 to 20-day-old larvae daily feeding and management to improve seedling survival rate.
菲律宾总统马科斯宣布,马尼拉将于1978年开始修建地下铁。第一条线路长27公里,从 Diliman 到马尼拉国际机场。工程分三期进行,第一期15公里将于头四年完工。第二、三期工程
我段电机会战突击队为了解决电机大修过程中的解体问题,试制成了6台手动油压小齿轮拔出器。经过几个月的试用,效果良好,现介绍如下。 I am a section of the Electrical Co
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Ⅰ.重载运行中的BBC——异步电动机驱动技术——牵引3500吨Henscl.el-BBC-DE2500 Nr.202004-8号机车于1974年9月底在杜伊斯堡——汉堡铁路海港联合运输中试验性地牵引了3500
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我们运输系是个老专业,74级是文化大革命后招收的第一个班,也是一个如何加强与改造专业的试点班。 1975年,敬爱的周总理在四届人大提出了发展我国国民经济的两步宏图,大家深