
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzjokok
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由《人民司法》杂志社与云南省丽江市中级人民法院联合举办的“丽江杯”有奖征文颁奖仪式于2006年4月21日在丽江市举行。《人民司法》杂志社在历时一年的征文活动中,共收到各类论文6000余篇,《人民司法》2005年第1至12期共刊发300余篇。经过由17人组成的评选委员会认真审阅,共评选出获奖论文23篇。获奖论文涉及我国法院各项审判工作,以及司法体制改革、法院文化建设等项内容。《人民司法》作为最高法院机关刊,从创刊之日起就肩负着指导审判、服务审判的重要责任。从1994年至今,《人民司法》已与12个法院联合举办有奖征文活动。通过十几年的有奖征文,《人民司法》发表了大量富有 The “Lijiang Cup” Prize Presentation Ceremony jointly held by “People’s Justice” magazine and Lijiang Intermediate People’s Court of Yunnan Province was held on April 21, 2006 in Lijiang City. During the one-year solicitations, People’s Justice Magazine received a total of 6,000 papers of all kinds. More than 300 papers of the People’s Judicial Department were published in Nos. 1 to 12 of 2005. After a careful review of a selection committee composed of 17 people, a total of 23 winning papers were selected. Winning papers related to the trial of our courts, as well as the judicial system reform, the court culture and other items. As the organ of the Supreme Court, People’s Justice carries the important responsibility of conducting trials and serving trials from the very beginning. From 1994 to the present, People’s Justice has jointly held prizes and essay activities with 12 courts. Through more than a decade of prize-winning essays, People’s Justice published a great deal of wealth
科学界的分层科学共同体并非彼此不相上下的科学家的集合体。它有着界限明晰的分层 ;为数不多的科学家为科学的进步做出了较大的贡献 ,因而获得了较大部分的回报和实验所需的
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各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 省物价局、省财政厅《关于取消和降低部分住房建设收费项目及标准的
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2005年6月5日《文汇报》第5版刊有《治理沙暴不宜肓目造林》一文,文中说:“再往西就是干旱区了,包括西藏、新疆柴达木盆地、内蒙古西部。”柴达木盆地的位 The 5th edition