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1973年石油提价以后的十年里,世界经济形势动荡不安,各国的经济都不同程度地经受了考验。在发展中国家中,要数东亚市场经济国家(以下简称东亚国家)的情况最好。这些国家和地区是指:新加坡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国、香港和南朝鲜等。过去二十年中,它们在经济上大多获得了长足的进步。1960一82年,除菲律宾外,这些国家和地区的人均国民生产总值要比一般的发展中国家高。1974—83年的国内生产总值的年增长率为7%,而其它发展中国家仅为4%。贫困的现象有所减轻,粮食供应比以前充足,文盲减少,婴儿 In the ten years since the oil price increase in 1973, the world economic situation was in turmoil and the economies of all countries were tested to varying degrees. Among the developing countries, the situation in the East Asian market economies (hereinafter referred to as East Asian countries) is the best. These countries refer to: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and South Korea. For the past two decades, most of their economies have made great strides. In 1960-82, except for the Philippines, the GNP per capita in these countries and territories was higher than that of the average developing country. The annual growth rate of gross domestic product for 1974-83 was 7%, compared with only 4% for other developing countries. Poverty eased somewhat, food supplies were more abundant than before, and illiteracy was reduced to infants
那流动、润滑、温暖的体液,那携带着滋养我们的各种分子的流质,正是我们的生命的依托,心理的基本物质保证。 That flow, lubrication, warm body fluids, that carries the
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INA333采用零漂移技术,通过专有的开关电容型陷波滤波器来消除斩波噪声,并确保50nV/rtHz的超低输入电压噪声。 The INA333 uses zero-drift technology to eliminate choppi