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浅谈山西开国纪念铜币张培林民国伊始,各省又纷纷铸币,孙中山先生深感铸币事关重大,遂于民国元年3月9日“临时大总统令”中指出,“查币制改良,新民耳目,自属要图……其余通用新币中间应绘五谷模型,取丰岁足民之义,垂劝农务本之规。”所以民国初期,各省所铸开国纪念铜币,其基本图案多为嘉禾图和双族图,最初的“双旗”,为“十八星军旗”和五色国旗,其后改为国民党党旗和国民党政府旗。据史科记载,民初铸造开国纪念铜币的省份主要有:湖北(武昌造币厂)、江苏(南京造币厂)、安徽(安庆造币厂)、湖南(长沙造币厂)、河南(开封造币厂)及山西(太原造币厂)等①。但何为山西所铸开国纪念铜币,却不大清楚。笔者在铜元收集中,偶遇一品(图1),面值为“壹枚”,直径2.78厘米、厚0.15厘米、重6.5克,铜质略黄。虽品相不精,但图文均能清晰,正面中央铸竖读“壹枚”二字,左右嘉禾环绕;背面中央为双旗图,分别为十八星军旗和五色国旗,上缘铸“中华民国”,下缘铸“开国纪念币”,左右两侧为“卷草花”。笔者认为,此币应为山西所铸之开国纪念铜币,是山西机铸铜币的初铸品,铸造时间应在民国七年(1918)以后。理由有三:民初各地所铸开国纪念铜币,目前仅面额十文者 Talking about the founding of Shanxi Province commemorative coins Zhang Peilin At the beginning of the Republic of China, the provinces have another coin, Mr. Sun Yat-sen profound coinage is of major importance, then the Republic of China March 9 “Provisional Grand Presidential Decree” pointed out that “check the currency system, Own to the map ...... The rest of the common currency should be painted between the middle of the grain model, take the meaning of the foot-rich footsteps of people, to persuade the farmers of the regulations. ”Therefore, the early Republic of China, the founding members of the provinces to commemorate the copper coins, the basic patterns are mostly Golden Harvest Figure and dual-family map, the original “double flag” for the “18 Star flag” and colored national flag, then changed to the KMT party flag and the KMT government flag. According to historical records, the founding of the founding of the People’s Republic of China commemorative coins in the early Republic of China mainly include: Hubei (Wuchang Mint), Jiangsu (Nanjing Mint), Anhui (Anqing Mint), Hunan (Changsha Mint), Henan Kaifeng mint) and Shanxi (Taiyuan mint), etc. ①. But what is the founding anniversary of the foundry coins in Shanxi, but not very clear. I collected in the copper, the occasional encounter a product (Figure 1), par value of “One,” diameter of 2.78 cm, 0.15 cm thick, weighing 6.5 grams, slightly yellow copper. Although the phase is not fine, but the picture can be clear, the front of the central vertical vertical reading “one” word, about Jiahe around; the back of the central double flag map, respectively, 18 stars flag and colored flag, Republic of China “, the lower edge of the founding of” commemorative coins founding, left and right sides of the “curly grass flowers.” The author believes that this currency should be the founding of Shanxi commemorative coins, is the first castings of Shanxi Machine Cast Copper, casting time should be in the Republic of China for seven years (1918) later. There are three reasons: the founding of the People’s Republic of commemorative coins around the beginning of the Republic of China, currently only denominations of 10 people
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为认真落实省委秘书长房俐和市委书记姜治莹同志对做好近期安全生产工作的重要批示精神,深刻吸取白山市江江源区华能电厂建筑施工塔吊倾倒事故教训,白城市安 In order to co
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