一转眼,2015年过半,就算没有前段时间大热的“世界那么大,我想去看看”口号,你盼望旅行的心肯定也已经蠢蠢欲动很久了。那么,我们再给你个出去旅行的理由如何?比如——世界那么大,它那么可爱,我真的需要去看看!Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort夏威夷威基基海滩希尔顿度假酒店坐标:夏威夷威基基岛可邂逅的TA:企鹅价格:约1500人民币起/晚想去美丽的热带看大海,滚沙滩,又想去遥远的南极和企鹅近距离接触?
In a twinkling of an eye, more than half of 2015, even if there was no big heat in the previous period, “the world is so big, I want to see” slogan, the heart you are looking forward to traveling must have been around for a long time. Well, we give you a travel reason for how? For example - the world is so big, it is so cute, I really need to see! Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort Hilton Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Resort coordinates: Hawaii TAKKI Encounter TA: Penguin Price: about 1500 RMB / night Want to go to the beautiful tropical sea, beach, want to go to the distant Antarctic and penguins close contact?