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许幸之是我国左翼美术运动先驱之一、影剧编导、诗人、画家和美术理论家。1904年4月5日他出生于江苏省扬州市,自幼酷爱艺术。1916年拜江南画家吕凤子为师,学习水彩画,1919年考入上海东方美术专科学校学习,受教于画家王济远、汪亚尘。他深受“五四”新文化运动影响,1922年毕业后结识了当时“创造社”的郭沫若、郁达夫、成仿吾等,这对他的绘画和诗歌创作起到很大的推动作用。 1924年,许幸之东日本求学。1929年秋天,他在东京美术学校临近毕业,中共上海地下党负责人夏衍来电报,邀请他回国参加中共领导的中华艺术大学的教学工作,许幸之放弃了毕业后去欧洲游学的计划,带着未完成的毕业创作提前回国,出任中华艺术大学的西洋画科主任、副教授。1930年6月,中国左翼美术家联盟(简称“美联”)在上海成立,许幸之被推选为主席,并以他任教中华艺术大学为联盟总部所在地。他陆续发表了《一月二十八日》、《扬子江》、《万里长城》等爱国主义诗作,为祖国的自由和民族的解放事业而大声呐喊。 1935年许幸之开始涉足电影,并与吴印咸一起转入中共领导的上海电影公司。他导演了故事片《风云儿女》。影片主题歌《义通军进行曲》及许幸之作词的插曲《铁蹄下的歌女》,未及影片公映便先期发表。适逢当时全国正掀起抗日救亡运动,这些歌曲很快传遍大江南北,成为鼓舞爱国志士斗志和宣传抗日的号角。《义勇军进行曲》后来成为中华人民共和国国歌。 Xu Xingzhi is one of the pioneers of the left-wing art movement in China, a film director, poet, painter and art theorist. April 5, 1904 He was born in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, his childhood love of art. In 1916 Bai Jiangnan painter Lv Fengzi as a teacher, learning watercolor, 1919 admitted to the Shanghai Oriental Art College, taught in the painter Wang Jiyuan, Wang Yashen. He was greatly influenced by the May Fourth New Culture Movement. After graduating in 1922, he got acquainted with Guo Moruo, Yu Dafu and Cheng Fangwu who were “creating clubs” at that time, which greatly promoted his painting and poetry creation. In 1924, Xu Xing of East Japan to study. In the autumn of 1929, he was near the Tokyo Fine Arts School. The chief of the Shanghai underground party, Xia Yanli, telegraphed him back to China to attend the teaching work of the China National University of the Arts led by the CCP. Xu Hsu-chih gave up his plan to study in Europe after graduation. Unfinished graduation early return home, as the China Art University Western painting director, associate professor. In June 1930, the Chinese Left-wing Artists Union (“AP”) was established in Shanghai. Xu Xingzhi was elected as Chairman and he taught the China University of the Arts as the headquarters of the Alliance. He published patriotic poems such as “January 28”, “Yangtze River” and “Great Wall of China” in succession, shouting loudly for the freedom of the motherland and the cause of national liberation. In 1935, Xu Xingzhi began his career in the film and together with Wu Yinxian, transferred to the Shanghai film company under the leadership of the CCP. He directed the feature film “Fengyun children.” The theme song “The March of the Yi-Tong Army” and the lyrics of Xu Xingzhi's song “The Singing Girl under the Iron Horse” were pre-published shortly after the release of the film. As the country was setting off an anti-Japanese national salvation movement, the songs quickly spread all over the country and became the trumpets to inspire patriots and militarists to propagandize the anti-Japanese war. “March of the Volunteers” later became the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.
焦文玉,德州市十五届人大代表,德州宝丽洁物业管理有限公司总经理。她曾经是一名下岗女工,凭着自己一股永不服输的冲劲,白手起家, Jiao Wenyu, Texas 15th deputies, Texas
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