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以模拟三元复合驱采出液为介质研制了大庆油田表面活性剂ORS 4 1三元复合驱O/W型采出液热化学脱水的破乳剂 ,用模拟采出液和实际采出液评价了其破乳性能并通过测试模拟含油污水的油珠聚并、水相粘度、油水界面张力、油珠Zeta电位和油水界面流变性的方法研究了大庆油田表面活性剂ORS 4 1三元复合驱O/W型采出液的热 化学破乳机理。实验结果表明 ,表面活性剂ORS 4 1三元复合驱O/W型采出液在破乳剂加药量为 15 0mg/L、脱水温度为 45℃和沉降时间为 3h的条件下 ,可经热 化学脱水达到外输原油含水率指标 ;三元复合驱O/W型采出液的热 化学破乳机理为 :破乳剂ASPD 1吸附到油水界面上顶替原油中的天然界面活性物质、碱与原油中天然物质反应生成的界面活性物质和驱油表面活性剂 ,降低油珠表面的负电性和油珠之间的电排斥力 ,促进油珠之间的聚并 ,使油珠上浮速率加大并使O/W型三元复合驱采出液分层后所形成的油珠浓缩层内的油珠粒径增大 ,使得油珠聚并过程中被束缚在油相中的水滴直径增大 ,使所形成的W /O型乳化原油的稳定性下降 ,容易破乳。 The simulated demineralization agent of O / W type recovery liquid thermochemical dewatering was developed by using the simulated ASP flooding fluid as the medium. The simulated recovery fluid and the actual production fluid were evaluated The demulsification performance of ORQ 4 1 ASP flooding system in Daqing oilfield was studied by testing the oil polyglomeration of oily wastewater, the viscosity of aqueous phase, the interfacial tension between oil and water, the zeta potential of oil droplets and the interfacial rheology. Thermochemical demulsification mechanism of O / W recovery fluid. The experimental results show that the surfactant ORS 4 1 ASP flooding O / W recovery solution can be heat-treated under the conditions of demulsifier dosage of 150mg / L, dehydration temperature of 45 ℃ and settling time of 3h Chemical dehydration to achieve the output of crude oil moisture index; ternary compound flooding O / W-type thermal recovery liquid demulsification mechanism: Demulsifier ASPD 1 adsorbed to the oil-water interface to replace the crude oil in the natural interface active substances, alkali and crude oil In the reaction of natural substances generated surfactant and surfactant flooding surfactant surface to reduce the negative charge and the electric repulsion between the oil droplets to promote cohesion between the oil droplets so that the rate of oil droplets floating up and So O / W type ternary composite flooding produced liquid stratified formed oil globule thickening of the oil within the bead diameter increases, making the process of oil globules bound in the oil phase of the water droplets increased diameter, The stability of the formed W / O emulsified crude oil is reduced, and the emulsion breaking is easy.
采用粉末冶金法制备了 Si C颗粒及晶须增强 MB15镁基复合材料的试样 ,借助扫描电镜对其显微结构及拉伸断口进行了观察和分析。同时 ,比较了 Si C颗粒和晶须对 MB15镁合金室温
在实验室现有的溶剂脱沥青装置上对催化裂化油浆进行丙烷脱沥青研究。结果发现油浆经过丙烷脱沥青后 ,大部分芳烃富集到脱油沥青中 ,使脱油沥青可作为较好的沥青调合组分 ;脱
根据中国国家自然科学基金委员会《机械与制造科学“十一五”发展战略研究报告》,阐述机械与制造科学有关制造科学“十一五”发展战略。 给出先进制造科学技术和制造系统的内