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神箭冲天起,“神五”游太空2003年10月15日。中国甘肃,酒泉卫星发射中心。清晨,寥廓的戈壁滩上空晨星闪烁,祁连山脉的群山像巨兽一样蹲伏在基地四周。此时,世人把目光聚集在这神圣的一刻。5时28分,中国飞天第一人杨利伟出现在众人眼前。身着乳白色航天服的杨利伟面向五星红旗伫立。透过防护面罩,一双明净的眼睛沉静而有神。翟志刚、聂海胜这担负着首飞航天员梯队的另外两位成员紧跟在他的两侧。8分钟前,到现场观看载人发射的胡锦涛、黄菊、吴官正、曹刚川、王刚等中央领导人来到发射中心问天阁,为即将代表中华民族实现飞天梦的航天员壮行。 God skyrocketed, “God V” tour of space October 15, 2003. China Gansu, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. In the morning, the morning star flashes over the Gobi Desert with its boundless profile. The mountains of the Qilian Mountains crouch around the base like a monster. At this time, the world gathered their eyes on this sacred moment. At 5:28, the first Chinese pop star Yang Liwei appeared in front of everyone. Wearing a milky spacesuit Yang Liwei five-star red flag standing. Through a protective mask, a pair of clear eyes quiet and God. Zhai Zhigang and Nie Haisheng, the other two members responsible for the first astronaut crew, are on both sides of him. Eight minutes ago, Hu Jintao, manned by manned launches, Huang Qiang, Wu Guanzheng, Cao Gangchuan, Wang Gang and other central leaders came to the launching center to ask Tian Court for the launch of the astronaut on behalf of the Chinese people.
  Mate-finding communication in many moths is mediated by the sex pheromones produced by females.Since differentiation of sex pheromones is often associated w
作为一个诗人,郑敏在上个世纪40年代就出版过《诗集1942- 1947》,80年代后又出版了《寻觅集》、《心象》、《早晨,我在雨里采 As a poet, Zheng Min published “Poem Colle
  Most insect species are reliant on chemical communication to locate friends and foes,food source, oviposition sites, etc.Female moths advertize their readin