Molecularly specific detection of bacterial lipoteichoic acid for diagnosis of prosthetic joint infe

来源 :骨研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nibeibei
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INTRODUCTIONrnTotal joint arthroplasty is a common orthopedic surgical procedure with not only significant benefits but also challenging complications, especially related to infection.1 Prosthetic joint infection (PJI), which is an infection involving the implant and adjacent bone and joint tissues, affects up to 2% of all primary arthroplasties, resulting in an estimated 25000 cases and costs exceeding $3.2 billion.2 The current standard of care therapy for chronic PJI of the hip and knee involves complete removal of all infected tissue and implants with eventual hardware replacement after prolonged antibiotic therapy. Successful treatment occurs in (65–90)% of cases, but failure often requires further treatments, surgeries, or even amputation.3–4 As the total number of total hip and total knee arthroplasties in the United States is projected to exceed 4 million by the year 2030, these complications will only become more common.
托普利兹(Toeplitz)系统在数学、科学计算和工程学等领域都有广泛应用, 例如, 求解偏微分方程, 卷积类型积分方程的数值解, 统计上的静态的自回归时间数列问题, 控制论上的最
本文采用Hl— Galerkin混合有限元方法和H1— Galerkin扩展混合有限元方法对二阶线性抛物问题进行数值模拟.在没有引入旋度算子的条件下,通过严格的数值分析分别建立了这两种方
本文仅考虑有限无向简单图,所用图论基本术语与符号遵循文献[1]. 1990年Haray[2]提出和图的概念.1994年Harary[3]提出整和图的概念.令N(Z)表示正整数(整数)集,N(Z)的非空有限子
本文主要研究外区域上半线性椭圆方程组Neumann问题解的存在性。 在第一章中,我们综述了有关半线性椭圆型方程与方程组研究的背景与已有的研究结果,并简单叙述了本文的研究
INTRODUCTIONrnYAP (yes?associated protein) is a transcriptional cofactor that is highly related to TAZ (transcriptional co?activator with PDZ binding motif). Bo
INTRODUCTIONrnWnt signaling plays key roles in many aspects of development and adult tissue homeostasis.1–2 WNTs are secreted palmitoleated glycoprotein ligand
INTRODUCTIONrnBone remodeling is a lifelong process in vertebrates that relies on the balance between bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteo