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“端午佳节粽叶香,诗人佳作涌心上。每逢佳节倍思亲,廉洁法官于泽军,非亲非故胜亲人。”端午小长假的第一天早晨,伴着阵阵雁叫,一条短信不期而至。读着这首情真意切的小诗,我仿佛看到,在遥远的南方,洞庭湖面碧波万顷,百舸争流。岳阳楼上,云淡风轻,一位饱经沧桑、年逾八旬的老人正凭栏北望,将对逝去亲人的思念与对远方朋友的祝福一并托付给北飞的大雁。 “Dragon Boat Festival Festival dumplings incense, poets masterpiece Chung heart. Every festival times think pro, clean judge Yu Zejun, non-relatives and non-relatives win their loved ones.” Dragon Boat Festival holiday the first day of the morning, accompanied by bursts of geese Call, a text message unexpectedly. Reading this love the true meaning of the poem, I seem to see that in the far south, Dongting Lake Bibo million ares, hundred 舸 competition. Yueyang upstairs, clear-cut and light, a full of vicissitudes of life, more than eighty years of the elderly are looking north from the fence, will miss the bereavement of loved ones with the wishes of distant friends, entrusted to the Beiyue Dayan.
The radiation of noise from a parallelly rib-stiffened skin plate of aircraft cabin fuselage in the presence of external mean flow is theoretically investigated
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