Biomimetic fluorapatite films for conservation of historic calcareous stones

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weisu890221
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Fluorapatite protective films were prepared on marble substrates using a biomimetic method. By mimicking the mineralization mechanism of enamel, phosphorus and fluorine were introduced on the surface of the marble substrate. In the presence of a biological template, namely collagen, an integrated fluorapatite film was produced and the marble substrate was entirely covered. The prepared fluorapatite films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The performances of the fluorapatite films were evaluated by color changes, capillary water absorption, and acid resistance tests. The results revealed that the fluorapatite films had good compatibility with the marble substrate; the physical properties such as color and capillary water adsorption of the marble substrates were unchanged. The fluorapatite films also had good acid resistance and were stable even in heavy acid rain. Fluorapatite protective films were prepared on marble substrates using a biomimetic method. By mimicking the mineralization mechanism of enamel, phosphorus and fluorine were introduced on the surface of the marble substrate. In the presence of a biological template, such collagen, an integrated fluorapatite film was produced and the marble substrate was entirely covered. The prepared fluorapatite films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray by color changes, capillary water absorption, and acid resistance tests. The results revealed that the fluorapatite films had good compatibility with the marble substrate; the physical properties such as color and capillary water adsorption of the marble substrates were unchanged. The fluorapatite films also had good acid resistance and were stable even in heavy acid rain.
摘要:城市空间布局是由一系列块状功能区组成,如商业区、居住区、工业区等。这些功能区是相关功能主体空间集聚的结果,它们的空间变化带动了城市空间的演化。本文通过产业集聚效应、产业集聚与空间集聚的关系以及产业集聚效应对城市空间布局演化的作用机制来阐明产业集聚以及由此形成的集聚效应在城市功能空间布局演化中具有关键作用。  关键词:产业集聚;空间集聚;城市空间布局  中图分类号:TU984.113 文献标识
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2003年2月20日至21日,中共云南省委在昆明召开工会共青团妇联工作会议,全面学习贯彻党的十六大精神,研究部署在 From February 20 to February 21, 2003, the CPC Yunnan P