Constructive Confrontation

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  Abstract:This paper tries to analyze the consistence of Intel’s enterprise culture with some American values.Through this case study based on real work experience in Intel,the paper aims at pointing out the influence of mainstream culture on international corporations
  Key words:Constructive confrontation Intel American value international corporation
  Never hesitate making your opinion of a problem heard even if it is against those of any others.This is a characteristic for which Intel,the world largest chipmaker and micro-conductor manufacturer,and its employees are known.At Intel,it is called “constructive confrontation”.
  Constructive confrontation has been defined by Intel as a problem-solving technique which aims to achieve a balance between addressing problems and maintaining working relationships,and focuses on the problem rather than blaming people.It is proved to be a good problem-solving mode through the daily interaction of Intel’s employees from different backgrounds which often cause confrontations on thinking style and behaviors.Constructive confrontation allows people to resolve problems quickly by getting them on the table and finding the best solution.ADOPT,the acronym,which means addressing problem in a manner that is direct,objective,positive and timely,is another way to elaborate this technique.The practice of this technique includes four steps:preparation,initiation,negotiation and evaluation and each step contains more specific methods in order to finally get to final achievement.Constructive confrontation has become an important part of Intel culture,even influencing the values of its employees.
  Organizational cultures draw from the culture of their particular industry.The cultures of a particular industry draw from the general business culture for their norms of behavior,values,attitudes,beliefs and symbols.The business culture in turn draws from the larger general culture of a country(Vern Terpstra,1985).It is not difficult to discover that Intel’s constructive confrontation mode mirrors some traditional values in American culture.Americans are well known for their openness and directness in thoughts and behaviors,different from the subtle,ritualistic and indirect ways in many other countries.When facing with a problem,Americans like to get to its source.This means facing the facts,meeting the problem head on,putting the cards on the table,and getting information “straight from the horse’s mouth”.Consistent with these tendencies,it is also desirable to face people directly—to confront them.Confrontation is also a respect to the free expression of individual ideas and wills.Different opinions are raised,then negotiations follow up,and at last best solution must be easier to be found out.Some of Intel’s greatest breakthroughs have occurred by constructively confronting tough problems with one another.   Confrontation means a face-to-face meeting.It is easy to go over the limit to be aggressive.So “constructive” is essential to control confrontation for the purpose of improvement and development.Constructive Confrontation does not mean being loud,unpleasant,or rude,and it is not designed to affix blame.The essence of it is to attack a problem by speaking of it in a businesslike way.(Andy Grove,former Intel chairman)Constructive confrontation requires a good cooperation except individual expression and direct confrontation.A sense of urgency and the importance of getting things done are often combined to gain the cooperation of those who dispute the principles or disagree with objectives of the group.Competition also requires a considerable amount of coordination among individuals and groups.The typical American ability to cooperate is one of the most important assets in American business and other organizations.One principle of constructive confrontation is disagreement but commitment.Let the other person/people know your areas of disagreement and your concerns,but if they finally go with a different plan,fully commit to support the plan.Taking the situation personally should be avoided.People focus on solving the problem quickly and effectively using an agreed-upon plan.
  Constructive confrontation practice in Intel can be demonstrated from two levels:work language and work style.
  The two important verbal methods for a successful constructive confrontation include using “I” statements or be specific and asking open-ended question.“I” statements consist of three parts:“when…”(the specific behavior that is problematic),“I feel…”(the feelings that you have in relation to the behavior),and “because…”(the specific effect the action has on you).The belief is that you can never commit for anybody else except yourself,which is different from collectivism(we identity)many Asian countries value.Open-ended question means questions can not be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”.Asking open-ended question includes elements as “when”,“how”,“what”,“why”,“where”,“tell me…”,and “please describe…”.This way of raising a question is helpful to identify the problem quickly and clearly.It is also different from indirect cultural values.
  Constructive confrontation reflected in the work style is assertive and highly motivated.People have always been able to focus the resources on results and the process of getting things done.Assumed responsibility is a sparkling point of constructive confrontation and Intel advocated work style.It means taking personal responsibility for problems that affect the business even if they fall outside of our normal job duties and owning the problem until it can clearly be transferred to someone else who would naturally own it.Another desirable work style based on constructive confrontation practice has been mentioned as agreeing to disagree but commit.Free individual expression is encouraged and compromise and cooperation should be reached.If all else fail to solve problem,using escalation paths and Open Door policy may be the last saving procedure.It means beginning with your manager and seeing if he or she has any ideas that can bring you to a common solution.If it requires escalation,seek out another manager or employee who works more closely with the problem and work together to get it solved.This is a distinctive Intel work style best reflect its value of avoiding hierarchic hurdles.At the same time,it gives a good expression of authority challenger Americans value.   The organizational structure of a company influences the degree of intercultural understanding necessary for successful business dealings.Meanwhile,the organizational structure of a corporate is influenced by its cultural priority from its mother country.This cultural priority determines how the firm hires its employees,train them and promote them.International corporations coordinate the cultural diversity for minimizing misunderstanding and inefficiency,at the other hand,its mainstream culture in form of corporate values educates all the employees to think and act as it,even though these values are sometimes against with their own culture.
  [1] Welcome to Constructive Confrontation,Intel internal training material,Intel University Rev.4,Jan.5 2002
  [2] Working with the U.S.A,Intel internal training material,Intel University Rev.3,Jan.1 2005
  [3] 《美国文化与社会》,王恩铭,上海外语教育出版社,2004,6
  [4] Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace(Third Edition),Iris Varner,Linda Beamer,Shanghai Foreign language Education Press,2006,10
  [5] Internet materials:
一、互动学习,培养学生的创新能力  培养学生的创造能力,就要培养学生的发散性思维和创造个性。发散性思维,是指思维主体在展开思维活动时,围绕某个中心问题向四面八方辐射的思索和联想广泛地搜集与这“中心问题有关的各种感性材料、相关信息和思想观点,最大限度地开拓思路,从而导致一系列发展的一种思维品质。创造个性,则包括独立性、自信心、好奇心、冒险敢为、幻想、敏感性等。在教学实践中,组织互动学习的方式是引导学
【摘 要】在课程体系符合用人单位要求的前提下,毕业生只有具备了就业的核心能力,充分把握与用人单位接触过程中的每一个环节,才能使自己在众多求职者中脱颖而出,最终获得招录单位的青睐。从大学生求职角度出发,围绕高校毕业生专业能力的形成,改革《员工招聘》课程教学形式和方法,突出教学与专业能力的联系,强化对相关内容的学习和练习,有助于培育专业能力,提高大学生对求职过程的驾驭能力,同时,也能切实改进教学效果。
【摘 要】逻辑思维是借助于概念、判断、推理等思维形式所进行的思考活动,是一种有条件、有步骤、有根据、渐进式的思维方式,是初中学生数学能力的核心。因此,在初中数学教学中必须着力培养学生的逻辑思维能力。  【关键词】中学生 数学逻辑思维 引导 激发  “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”,作为教育工作者,我们应该怎样注重培养学生的逻辑思维能力,从而激发其学习兴趣,提高其学习动力,增强其自身素质。结合多年来的教学
俗话说:“书读百遍,其义自见。”多读课文,自然对文意会有透彻的理解。因此,在语文课堂上,我们要尽可能地让学生多读书。读书的方法有多种:默读、听读、诵读、品读……选择不同的读书方法,就会有不一样的教学效果。到底选哪一种读书方法好呢?这要根据课文的特点来定。裁缝需要量体裁衣,教师也要因材施教。下面,我就来谈谈不同的读书方法在阅读教学中的不同效果。  一、默读  默读的速度比较快,适合篇幅较长的文章:小
【摘 要】近几年,在我国中西部农村形成了一大特殊群体——留守儿童,这个问题需得引起全社会的关注和深思,笔者结合自己的调查和研究分析了存在的教育现状和应对的措施。  【关键词】留守儿童 家庭 学校 社会 关爱  近几年,我国农村出现了一个特殊群体——“留守儿童”,特别在中西部尤为严重。留守儿童,就是指随着大量农村成年男女向城镇转移就业,而多数人没有携带子女一同前往,致使许多的农村儿童远离双亲或单亲,
【摘 要】如果说提高教学质量是一个学校的发展的生命线,那么课堂教学就是提高教学质量的重要保证。作为人民教师,都在探求如何提高教学效率,不断摸索、不断积累总结。本文通过课堂教学阶段依时间分配设置成“15351”的数学教学摸索来展开研究  【关键词】数学 高效 质疑 兴趣  近几年在高三,我更多的是研究高考怎么考,学生怎样能拿更高分;可现在在高一,新的一盘棋摆在自己的面前,新的教育理念必然要灌输大脑,
【摘 要】应对新时期高职学生的特点,应用留白式管理,以一种无声胜有声的技巧参与班级管理,举重若轻,意义深远。本文根据当前高职学生呈现的特点进行分析,提出班级的留白式管理,以期优化教育管理。  【关键词】留白 高职 管理  1.留白式管理内涵  留白,原指书画艺术创作中为使整个作品画面、章法更为协调精美而有意留下相应的空白,给读者留有想像的空间。艺术大师往往都是留白的大师,南宋马远的《寒江独钓图》,
【摘 要】初中科学是一门以实验为基础的自然学科。在课程教学活动中,只有让丰富的科学事实和富于逻辑推理的科学原理刺激学生的多种器官,进而作用其内在心理,才能有效激发学习情趣,充分调动他们的主观能动性,从而收获事半功倍的教学效果。如仍沿袭“用普通话套讲八股文”的传统教学模式,让学生在直接灌输下机械地记忆现成的科学结论,就难以真正获得以认知、能力和情感为一体的“三维目标教学”效应。实践表明,以多媒体为主
【摘 要】倾听是一种素养,一种品质,一种习惯。良好的倾听习惯是师生相互尊重的良好体现,是学生进行思考领悟的前提,是学生提高各种能力的基础,是提高课堂教学效率的有效手段,更是新课标的要求。因此培养学生良好的倾听习惯,需要我们每个教师不懈地努力。  【关键词】倾听 有效课堂 习惯 素养 评价  小学低段的学生,他们的年龄小、心理发育不成熟,又生性好动,课堂倾听就显得更为重要了。不管采用何种学习方式,学
【活动背景】 在我们何庄小学的校园里,乒乓文化广场上、南北通道的“地面乒乓球桌”旁、到处都有孩子们生龙活虎打乒乓球的身影。可以说,我们何小人个个爱乒乓。但是,乒乓球不光是一项体育运动,它也有着丰富的文化内涵——是联系情感的纽带,曾经对推动国际关系的发展起着巨大的作用。这些均应让学生了解,并能从中获益,对其今后的人际交往等方面产生深远影响。  【活动目标】 1.让学生认识到,乒乓球能成为国球不仅因为