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本刊曾在第三期杂志上发表过一篇《外资加油站绕进中国》的文章,最近南京又传来消息,英荷/壳牌石油集团挟巨资进军南京。 继协和石油在1996年绕过南京成品油零售市场以来,今年7月27日,又一大型跨国公司——英荷/壳牌石油集团挟720万美元(折合人民币约6000万元)巨资在南京成立南京壳牌跃通石油有限公司。 据了解,这是继亚洲金融风暴以后壳牌公司在中国的第一个投资项目。新成立的壳牌跃通公司将把在新建高速公路两旁兴建加油站作为首选的市场目标,并力争建立集加油、车辆维修、现代化洗车及便利后服务为一体的零售体系。 无独有偶,壳牌公司在北京的第四家连锁加油站也于近日开张,看来壳牌公司已经准备好在我国成品油销售市场上一展身手。相信有这种想法的当然不止壳牌公司一家。相对于国内加油站而言,许多外资加油站拥有资金、品牌、人员以及管理经验等方面的优势。随着“入世”之期一天天临近,南北两大石油集团公司不仅面临着社会加油站的竞争,外资加油站的刀光剑影更是寒气逼人。 外国“狼”已经来了,想来的肯定还要再来,警钟已经敲响,在警钟声中,我们不仅要思考对策,还要采取行动。 The magazine has published in the third issue of an article, “Foreign Gas Station Wrap into China,” the article recently came news of Nanjing, the British Dutch / Shell Oil Holdings relies heavily on investment in Nanjing. Following the parade of PetroChina bypassing the retail oil market in Nanjing in 1996, on July 27 this year, another large multinational company, British Dutch / Shell Petroleum Holdings, heavily invested a total of 7.2 million U.S. dollars (equivalent to about 60 million yuan) in Nanjing Established Nanjing Shell Yue Tong Petroleum Co., Ltd. It is understood that this is the first investment project of Shell in China after the Asian financial turmoil. The newly established Shell Yue Tong will set up gas stations on both sides of the new freeway to be the preferred market targets and will strive to establish a retail system that integrates refueling, vehicle maintenance, modern car washing and post-sale services. Coincidentally, Shell’s fourth gas station in Beijing has also opened recently, it seems Shell is ready for China’s refined oil sales market go its muscles. Of course, there is more than one Shell company with this idea. Relative to the domestic gas stations, many foreign gas stations have the funds, brands, personnel and management experience and other advantages. With the advent of “accession to the WTO” day by day, the two major oil and gas companies in the north and south face not only the competition from social service stations, but also the cold gas at foreign service stations. The foreign “wolf” has come and it is certain to come again. The alarm bell has been ringing. In the alarm, we must not only think about the countermeasure but also take action.
文中介绍了一种基于锗硅BICMOS的宽带低噪声放大器的设计。此放大器工作在2.7 GHz~3.5 GHz的频带,采用0.18μm的锗硅工艺和cascode结构来增加其反向隔离度,并且使用了射极电阻
到今年7月,中国石油、石化两大集团公司成立整整一年了。1998年中国石油石化大重组,迈出了中国石油工业跨世纪改革的第一步。 重组一年中,亚洲金融危机的影响,国际油价暴跌
湖南医科大学附二院为1例患C6PD缺乏症小儿,成功进行了血浆置换术,成为湖南省用此方法治疗的首例。 患儿于1998年6月中旬经剖宫产出生,生后36小时皮肤出现黄染,经当地医院综