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建筑工程项目从立项、规划、设计、施工到竣工验收,整个流程,环环相扣,任何环节出现问题都可能影响到施工进度或工程质量,造成无法估量的财产经济损失。尤其是将蓝图变成项目实体的施工阶段,在整个项目周期中工作量最大,投入的人财物力最多,管理协调配合难度也最大,施工过程中,难免出现各种各样的问题,因此,搞好施工技术管理至关重要。本文笔者针对施工中出现的问题,对如何加强施工技术管理提出一些新的看法。 Construction projects from the project, planning, design, construction to the completion of inspection, the entire process, interlocking, any part of the problems may affect the construction schedule or project quality, resulting in immeasurable property and economic losses. In particular, the Blueprint has become the construction phase of the project entity. It has the largest workload during the entire project cycle, the most financial and material resources invested by people, and the maximum coordination and coordination of management. As a result, various problems inevitably arise during construction. Therefore, Do a good job of construction technology management is essential. In this paper, the author of the problems arising in the construction, how to strengthen the management of construction technology put forward some new ideas.
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