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<正> 信用证是异地结算方式之一,但实际上很少使用,多年来这种结算几乎形同虚设。异地间商品交易采用信用证结算本来不失为一种较好的结算方式,但由于事先十足存交保证金的做法使购货单位占压资金时间太长,从购货单位申请信用证交存保证金,到销货单位开户银行来单结算最长有达六十天的,严重地影响企业资金周转,因而很难为企业所接受。为了推广信用证结算是否改为购货单位申请签发信用证,可不提存保证金,银行先
<正> 一、坚持从实际出发,防止重蹈“一刀切”的覆辙银行对工业生产企业的贷款,多年来采取定额以内由财政拨足(或银行贷款参加一部分)超定额部分逐笔核贷的办法。多年来的实
<正> 党的十二大要求一切经济工作都要把提高经济效益做为根本出发点,这是促进我国社会主义经济全面高涨的一个重要指导思想。就提高基本建设的投资效益而言,需要研究和解决
Studies of the breaking criteria for solitary waves on a slope are presented in this paper. The boundary element method is used to model the processes of shoali
In this paper, a method is developed for determining the effective stiffness of the cracked component. The stiffness matrix of the cracked component is integrat
<正> 最近,国务院作出了决定,由中国人民银行专门行使中央银行的职能,不再兼办工商信贷和储蓄业务。这是银行管理体制的一项重大改革,也是我国经济生活中的一件大事。如何通
Based on the fundamental equation of flexible cable dynamics for a towed system, an easily solved mathematical model is set up in this paper by means of appropr
The key problem in physical model tests with highly reflective structures is to prevent the multiple reflections between the reflective structures and the wave
The floating oil storage system has been proposed as a new facility for Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in China. Mooring is one of the key technologies to en