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一、市民报如何强化本土特色1.坚守本土为王的新闻理念本土新闻在市民报的新闻架构中,要始终放在核心和最重要位置,这是攻城拔寨的利器。任何一家成功的市民报莫不是通过有影响的本土新闻确立地位。其实,本土新闻在报纸上分量越来越重要,西方发达国家从上世纪90年代已出现了这个趋势,这个趋势可以归结为娱乐化、本土化、亲近化。本土化,指的是地方新闻比例大幅上升,地方新闻是中、小新闻媒体(无论报纸、电台或是电视台)在超级巨型媒体挤压下能够赢得受众的重要手段之一。 First, the civic newspaper how to strengthen the local characteristics 1. Adhere to the news concept of the king of the country Local News In the civic newspaper’s news structure, we must always be the core and most important position, which is the weapon of siege. Any successful citizen newspaper is not established by influential local news. In fact, the weight of local news in the newspaper is more and more important. The western developed countries have seen this trend since the 1990s. This trend can be attributed to entertainment, localization and closeness. Localization refers to a substantial increase in the proportion of local news. Local news is one of the most important means by which the media in the small and medium sized media (whether newspapers, radio stations or television stations) can win the audience under the squeeze of the super giant media.
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