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福建沿海岛屿(高潮位≥500m~2)星罗棋布,有1500多个。按其与海湾(河口)的分布关系,可分为湾外与湾(河口)内二类。湾外岛屿直接暴露于湾外开阔海面,成因绝大多数属于大陆岛,是陆上山丘向海的自然延伸,地质构造、岩性、地貌等特征与附近大陆有着密切联系。为海面相对上升(或地壳相对下降)淹没而形成。但湾外岛屿中的一些大岛及“名声”大的岛屿却是岛连岛,绝对数量虽不多,但成因与典型的大陆基岩岛不同,不仅有大陆成因,还有海洋形成因素,是由海浪或风浪作用产生的连岛沙洲、充填连结二个或多个基岩岛屿而成,属于大陆岛与海洋岛的复合成因类型。它们是福建沿海岛屿中的宝贵国土资源,研究和了解其形成与发展,有助于进一步珍惜、保护和合理开发这一国土资源。 Fujian coastal islands (climax ≥ 500m ~ 2) dotted with more than 1,500. According to its distribution relationship with the bay (estuary), it can be divided into two types within the bay and the bay (estuary). Offshore islands directly exposed to the open sea beyond the bay, most of the origin belongs to the mainland island, is a natural extension of land hills to the sea, geological structure, lithology, landform and other characteristics are closely related with the nearby continent. For the relative rise of the sea (or the relative decline of the crust) formed. However, some of the large islands outside the Bay Islands and the “famous” large islands are Island Island, although the absolute number is small, but the reason is different from the typical continental bedrock island, not only the origin of the continent, as well as the formation of the sea The factor is the island sandbar created by waves or waves, which is filled with two or more bedrock islands and belongs to the compound genetic type of the continental island and the marine island. They are valuable land and resources in coastal islands of Fujian, and their research and understanding of their formation and development help to further treasure, protect and rationally develop this land and resources.
在当代,陆地上的发展已经受到很大的制约。在未来的21世纪,人们寄希望于海洋——那一大片基本未被开发的最后疆土。 In the contemporary era, land development has been g
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很多年来,人们对那些突然从海洋深处某个地方冒出来的亮光已司空见惯,也因此而猜测,在我们生活的地球上,是不是真的还存在着一个水下文明? For years, people have become